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    TITANIUM MAGS :So we have Reem Denir of Negrow League here to breakdown the start of this five player team. So Reem, how was the concept for the group's name developed?

    Reem Denir :We got the name from a former Negrow League member known as Satch aka Satchel Paige. Right now we got Satch playin DH, feel me?

    T.M. :So why the name Negrow League? I mean, do you in some way feel you resemble the former league once segregated,featuring some of the greatest ball players in American history?

    R.D. :The group Negrow League started with seven members, similar to the number of players on the field of baseball. The reason for having 2 less players is because we're not the average team, we're all legends in our own respect.
    The former Negro League was a group of individuals who were the best players that didn't get the recognition they deserved in the baseball league and public eye. They played their heart out without compensation. Since history repeats itself, we're taking it a lttle further with the same name, but from a different aspect. Unfortunately we're down to 5 players, but at one point everyone played a position on the team.
    Master Mind, aka Hank Aaron, Satch aka Satchel Paige, Illiotic A.S.H. aka Jack Rob,Flix aka Campanella, Flip aka Clement, Merce aka J. Gibbs and myself all at one point were Negrow League. Now that we are down to five it makes the task harder, but more challenging.

    T.M. :Alright, I'm feelin that. Sounds like you have a different concept goin on. So basically my question for you is, if you're going to relate the game of baseball to the hip hop game, how would your style as mc's both as a group and individuals tie into the athletic ablities of these legendary Negro League Players whose image you carry?

    R.D. :As a group, we all play different positions, which brings different flavors to what we express musically. As individuals, the names we chose for ourselves fits in with the style we express, for instance the way Jack Rob steals bases is the way he flows on beats, it's like he stole the track, he ran away with it.

    T.M. :Tell me a little about the 13 song cd "L Crook'd I" you have out right now? Where did that word come from?

    R.D. :We chose the name L Crook'd I cause we're all from Long Island, Elmont, Roosevelt, and Freeport, where LI hardly gets its recognition. We're here to change that, hip hop never left the 6th borough.
    The Crook'd I comes from just that, being crook'd, basically don't sleep on LI.

    T.M. :What is the message, if there is one that you are trying to get out to your fans?

    R.D. :Basically we stay dedicated in the studio and we felt like it was time to be heard. We were signed to Crave Records in '97 and never had the chance to really get our point across. Now that we're independent, we decided to release something just to get the listener's ear's wet. Next time we reignin the game out.
    We want our fans to know that we didnt fade. We're gradually building what they wanna hear.

    T.M. :So what do you feel the listeners need to hear since there's a number of different genres of hip hop music and millions of aspiring artists like yourselves?

    R.D. :It's hard to know what the listeners want to hear, so we hit all angles, we give them versatility.

    T.M. :So do feel that's what's missing in hip hop, the sometimes lack of creativity and repetitive themes?

    R.D. :Creativity is very scarce, and sometimes we in terms of the hip hop community tend to accept anything that's pushed right, instead of focusing on good music artistry.

    T.M. :I feel you, I notice that there are both rap and singing vocals on the release you are currently promoting. Can you inform your listeners who performs the singing vocals? It sounds to me like you bring us the best of both worlds with lyricism and a touch of R&B, without ruining the underground authenticity of the game.

    R.D. :The singing vocals are performed by two members of our group, Flix and Flip. The reason why we choose to throw in a touch of R&B is because music comes from the soul, and why not floss the extra talent that you have?

    T.M. :True, I know everybody is gonna feel your story a little better now, cause on the real, the response we're getting out there is crazy. Any last words for those feeling you, eager to hear what's next?

    R.D. :You aint heard nothin yet, to be continued.....

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    "League"genre: Hip Hop
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    add to My.MP3add to My.MP3 CD: L CROOK'D I - buy it!buy it!
    Label: Negrow League Entertainment -- Titanium Blocks Entertainment
    Credits: Prodced by Visible. Written by K. Joseph, S. Tinglin, P. Duplessy, A. McNair, A. Pierre.
    "Love or Lust?"genre: Hip Hop
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    Label: Negrow League Entertainment -- Titanium Blocks Entertainment
    Credits: Produced by Sha Money XL. Written by S. Tinglin, K. Joseph, P Duplessy.
    "In GOD's Arms"genre: Hip Hop
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    Label: Negrow League Entertainment -- Titanium Blocks Entertainment
    Credits: Produced by Visible, Written by K. Joseph, S. Tinglin, P. Duplessy.
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