A swinging, shout-it-out, big-band vocal arrangement, written in the Count Basie/LH&R style. UVJQ has combined a catchy melody, infectious harmonies, and hilarious lyrics to tell their tale about that tragic facial affliction that strikes 9 out of 10 jazz rhythm players. |
CD: When The Sun Goes Down
Label: HouseKat
Credits: Copyright 2002, Ginny Carr and Robert McBride |
The group pays tribute to the sound of "Sergio Mendez and Brazil '66" with this pulsing blend of a classic, laid-back samba beat along with a beautiful melody, jazz harmonies, and modern pop syncopations. It has so much to offer, you'll want to listen to it again and again.
Arrangement by Ginny Carr and David Nokes.
Piano - Dan Reynolds
Bass - Leonardo Lucini
Drums - Alejandro Lucini
Guitar - Ramon Gonzalez
Percussion - Pat Shrieves
Flugelhorn - Tim Leahey
Flute - Chris Vadala
Improvised Scat Solo - Roger Reynolds |
CD: Half-Past Swing
Label: HouseKat Records
Credits: Produced by Ginny Carr and Lisanne Lyons |
A catchy, well-constructed, and beautifully-arranged medium groove by a group that is widely known for its "bop" rather than "pop" tunes.
Arrangement by David Nokes & Ginny Carr.
Keyboard - Dan Reynolds
Bass - Leonardo Lucini
Drums - Alejandro Lucini
Guitar - Sean Purcell
Bass Vocal - David Nokes
Vocal Solo - Ginny Carr |
CD: Half-Past Swing
Label: HouseKat Records
Credits: Music & Lyrics by Ginny Carr |