The first single fron the alubum "7 Day Weekend", Wonderful Place is a fun, feel good pop song with a rocky bite. Strong melody and meaningful lyrics make this song stand out from the crowd. |
CD: 7 Day Weekend
Label: Small Wonder Records
Simple, yet profoundly evocative, this song seems to hold something for everyone, wherever their hometown is in the world. |
CD: 7 Day Weekend
Label: Small Wonder Records
Credits: Cooke/Swan/Wood |
The title track from the album. A song with great drive and power that just keeps on going leaving you wanting more. |
CD: 7 Day Weekend
Label: Small Wonder Records
Credits: Cooke/Swan/Wood |
Soaring melodies and powerful lyrics, enhanced by strong production and an exceptional vocal performance, make this song a classic. |
CD: 7 Day Weekend
Label: Small Wonder Records
Credits: Cooke/Swan/Wood |