No questor shall find which should have been but never was. No seer can ever know what never came to pass. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
All that pass through shall never be the same. You can leave again, but you will never escape. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Her waters were always dark, always misty. Eerie how there could be such a beckoning and forboding in harmony. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Beyond Lilac Lane, over the creek bridge, back in the wood, was the old cabin made from timber of pioneer days. This was the home of 'creature', a mischievious dark entity. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Transmitting to the world before dawn. On a warm summer morning, I sat up in the east cottage before the twilight of dawn, and witnessed that thing that all mortals were not meant for as they sleep. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
From the TeaHouse to the Cabin. Take a walk down lilac lane, in all its beaty with blooms drawing you peacefully down the path.
Don't let them haunt you! Do not let them inside your mind. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Mystical apparition. Real or spiritial? Does it matter? |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Behind the ivy covered manor house, a dark garden once assuredly well manacured, since overgrown with the wild green tendrils of empirial vegitation, lead back toward the well amid statuette busts still mounted upon columns.
This well was dark and endlessly kryptic. No one dared peer into its eternal depth. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Credits: that which torments me |
A wispy sprite leaps from time and place with wanton disregard for the gravity of mortal life. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Among the darkest and most demonic of places, this was that which could conjur the deepest kind of fear. Not a sudden panic as through you were in danger of attack. No, this was as if your soul would drown in the essence of darkness. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Your mind seeps away into the darkness. You have no thought of control. All that you sense is now passive perception. Something else possess that which was you. |
CD: Haunting of Bishop Manor
Up on Bishop hill, the wooded path taken to the top, where, at one flank, heavily drenched in the thick shade of the forest, a little stone cabin stood sentinel to the peak of the hill. It was of large, rough, dark cobblestone. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Rising above the dark estate as if questing for the sky, the great monument of land cast its shadow over all the world. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Dark and damp, the floors, walls, and ceiling were stone: more like a cavern then a cellar. Some of the lower levels were flooded. Still, the sense was that it was somehow more vacant here. It seemed as though even the greater presences dared not venture here. |
CD: The Haunting of Bishop Manor
Beyond the language of words, a different beckoning is evoked in the night. |
CD: Aethyrial Fire
Some 'Eastern' sounds, some ambient hums.
It was supposed to have a very relaxing effect when I started it. By the time I was done, there seemed to be something kyrptically dark hidden within. |
CD: Aethyrial Fire
no Z |
CD: Aethyrial Fire
Label: zenhex media
Produced for the SynthCleveland DIY noise compilation entailing commentary and/or abstract interpretation of Modern American Culture. |
CD: Freemasonic Fishfry: On the Homefront. SynthCleveland Noise Comp.
Label: SynthCleveland
Credits: Various audio voice clips, Jimmy Hendrix Woodstock Star Spangled Banner, Recorded sound effects, etc. |
Originally recorded in 1999 with Ejay as a 3part song. I edited them together and added a layer exclusively for mp3.com. |
CD: Atomic Clock Memoirs
Label: zenhex media
Done in '99 with Ejay. |
CD: Atomic Clock Memoirs
Kept trying to get it right...couldn't. Recorded it anyway. left in all the botches, but I like it. It's far from perfect. Only edit I made was was the pitch fade at the end. |
CD: Atomic Clock Memoirs