This is just a simple little song about making plans that sometimes never come to fruition. Its also about capturing opportunities when they present themselves, and getting to know someone. |
CD: Alarms
Label: Subconscious Records
This sounds like Pink Foyd, Brian Wilson, and Radiohead had a little late-night recording session. This is a song about time, seizing opportunites, giving all of yourself, and reaching a state of mind where you feel like you can achieve anything. No, its not about Havana Cuba... more like a song about feeling like you're in heaven. There's a great feedback-laden guitar under this song which gives it a slightly less-than perfect feeling. |
CD: Alexander
Label: pending
Credits: Special thanks to Brian Long for help with guitar and the storm. |
An emotional song built around an undulating bass tone that rises and falls beneath the music. This song is a testament to a former lover... and an ode to the comfort you can sometimes find in being alone.ë |
CD: Alexander
Label: pending