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The Killing | mp3.com/TheKilling |
9.22.03 - Our search for a drummer is almost at an end. If all works out... god damn! 8.18.03 - We would like to thank Trevor for filling in on guitar while our guitarist (Marc) filled in on drums. Thanks to everyone that came out and showed their support for us in the past month and a half. All of our shows went really well dispite our incomplete lineup. Our seach for a drummer is narrowing down, but if anyone is still interested, email us, we would still love to hear you. - the Killing's debut release, "What is Yet to Come" is now available at all of our upcomming shows and through our website. Upcomming.Shows 10.24.03 @ the Knights of Coulumbus - Middletown, NJ w/ Nora, Bury Your Dead, Forgetting Tomorrow, Sycamore Dreams, And The Walls Were Adorned in Red booking: email booking@thekilling.com web: www.theKilling.com