The brand new extended funky progressive house mix by Steven Bakos of Pacific Mile. The original version of "Right By Your Side" is available on the Agency-X CD "Mission Impossible." Visit www.agency-x.net for more details. |
CD: Mission Impossible
Label: Delicious Records
Credits: Written by Lars Wallden and davidmahr. Remixed by Pacific Mile. Copyright (c) 2003 Agency-X. |
I am a secret agent man... |
CD: Mission Impossible
Label: Delicious Records
Credits: Written and produced by Agency-X |
You and me, we're happy to be...travelling along, together... (I just can't seem to get enough of you...) |
CD: Mission Impossible
Label: Delicious Records
Credits: Written and produced by Agency-X |
The debut single from Agency-X, featuring davidmahr and Lars Wallden of AvantGarde fame. Pre-orders for the single are now available at www.deliciousrecords.com. |
CD: Don't Hold Your Breath
Label: Delicious Records
Credits: Written by Lars Wallden and davidmahr. Copyright (c) 2003 Agency-X. |
Taken from the debut Agency-X single "Don't Hold Your Breath." Waste of Time Mix by Pacific Mile. Contact www.mp3.com/pacific_mile. A trancey deconstruction mix perfect for club play. The original version is available on the Agency-X debut CD "Mission Impossible." |
CD: Don't Hold Your Breath
Label: Delicious Records
Credits: Written by Lars Wallden and davidmahr. Copyright (c) 2003 Agency-X. |