This song was the Second song written for the album. It sounds like Foofighters/Weezer/The EELS. It is very catchy, and yes once again Funny but Witty. This song will stick with you for days after. It also stands out from the mainstream. Although it is the most commercial song that has been written for the album so far |
CD: Liquorish
Credits: Mike Brindisi ,Jeff Moyer, recorded at Phatboy Studios |
This song is a cross between the strokes, the beatles, and kansas. Of course has the mypoorparents twist on ti as well. Not fast or slow. Kind of hangs out in the middle. Very catchy...Youll love it! |
CD: Liquorish
Credits: Mike Brindisi,Jeff Moyer |
This song has an original sound. It is like heavy funk. There is a fusion of influences invlolved. A cross between fishbone/Metallica. This song is funny yet witty, and on top of it all, kicks you in the ass with great musicianship! |
CD: Liquorish
Credits: Mike Brindisi,Jeff Moyer,Recorded at Phatboy Studios, Joe alberico |