New remix with improved samples and enhanced ambience.
The second movement of my fourth Sonata focuses on a character that is too busy looking to the future to notice problems in the present.It's based loosely on the experience of a sucessful friend whose wife recently left him. He was busy building his business and her leaving caught him by surprise. This piece looks to a future that holds the promise of personal peace. |
Label: N/A
Credits: composition and performance by Steve Chandler |
A new mix with wonderful clarity and rich ambience, thanks to the Super Impulse Reverb (SIR). Please enjoy!
The piece focuses on someone who looks to their past. By that I mean the type of person who blames their past for problems in the present or who had "glory days" in their past and cannot attain similar success in the present. The music depicts how the bitterness and anger so generated will ultimately destroy one. The lesson being that we must come to terms and recocile with the past in order to be more effective in the present. |
A new mix with fantastic clarity and rich ambience. |
An arrangement for organ of this contemporary hymn. The tune is also known as Engelburg and was written by Charles V. Stanford. |
Label: N/A
The third movement is based on the last part of the sentence, "Today is a gift." The previous two movements have described the issues of living in the past and the fuiture. This movement concentrates on the virtues of living in the moment. Those who live in the present learn from the past, but do not dwell dwell on it, and they plan for the future, but not to the exclusion of the present. The movement depicts a day in the life of an "enlightened soul" and begins with a representation of dawn and ends with going to sleep. In between our protagonist encounters evil and instead of doing battle with it shows concern and understanding while demonstrating the joy of the enlightened life. The evil theme morphs into the hymn Now thank we all our God. and the second half of this movement is an extended fantasy on that hymn. |
A new dramatic work of virtuoso difficulty (I'll never be able to play it). It builds in intensity using a economy of thematic material, semitones and augmented harmony. This piece constantly reinvents itself with greater rhythmic freedom and increasing intensity. I hope you enjoy it. |
This is one of my first pieces, it's a decade and a half old. I've just reworked it with new sounds. Please read the story behind the sonf for details of what this piece means. |
CD: n/a
A live performance from the Iowa Composer's Forum Fall Festival 2002. Performed by May Tsao-Lim of Iowa State University. |
Credits: May Tsao-Lim |
A live version performed at the Iowa Composer's Forum Fall Festival 2002 by May Tsao-Lim of Iowa State University. |
Credits: peformed by May Tsao-Lim |
A different and better instrumentation of one of my favorites using Gigasampler, Garritan Orchestral Strings Dan Dean Solo Brass and other technologies. |
CD: n/a
Label: n/a
What started as a nice piano piece in 7/8 got arranged into a more dramatic work for Strings, Brass and Flute.The beauty of this piece is accentuated by the extended harmony and nonsquare rhythm. |
MP3.com CD: Keepsakes - buy it!
CD: not yet
Label: N/A
The first movement of my Suite for String Quartet.
It describes initial romantic attraction, there's a cadenza for the first violin (male showing off). |
This piece has the subtitle, A Grooms first dance with his new mother in-law.
It is the third movement of my suite for String Quartet in which I describe the course of a romantic relationship. |
This is the final movement of an unperformed String Quartet.The idea was to update the Baroque Suite form of a collection of dances.This finale is a Jitterbug. Any String Quartets interested in performing this work are invited to contact me. |
Label: N/A
A set of variations on the Thanksgiving hymn tune composed for a friends family reunion.
It starts pretty gets a little goofy and ends happy, sort of the perfect family reunion (except nobody has a family like that). |
MP3.com CD: Philosophies, Observations... - buy it!
CD: Philosophies, Observations... and the occasional RANT
Label: self published
The title is a play on the phrase "the end justifies the means."I composed the last movement first as an exercise in composing a finale.The question then became, what came before? This movement was the next one composed and many of its themes and ideas were drawn from the Finale (this End).I hope people find this music enjoyable. |
MP3.com CD: Today is a Gift - buy it!
CD: n/a
This second movement is also a play on the phrase. "the end justifies the means."It was the last of the three to be composed (hence it takes the end of the phrase).It is also based substantially on thematic and harmonic ideas from the last movement (composed first). |
MP3.com CD: Today is a Gift - buy it!
The title of this jaunty Finale is a bit of wordplay on phrase, "The end justifies the means." This was the first movement composed, but it was composed as an exercise in composing a Finale.Once finished the obvious next step was to compose the rest of it.This last movement is the end which justified the rest of the piece. |
MP3.com CD: Today is a Gift - buy it!
A change of pace for me, this song represented an opportunity to have fun in a Jazz idiom.I can't recall any Jazz groups that combined organ, flute and trumpet, perhaps some of you can. |
CD: not yet
Call this one Bach's Goldberg Variations meet Bartok and synthesizers passing Beethoven's Diabelli Variations on the way.This piece is a musical portrait of my late step mother. She was a vivacious lady who loved the good things. She was also an excellent singer. She passed from this life about 5 years ago and I miss her. |
MP3.com CD: Keepsakes - buy it!
CD: Philosophies, Observations... and the occasional RANT
Label: self published
The Sonata #2 is subtitled "A father's wish for his infant son."This first movement is a scenes from childhood. It is how It I wished my son would grow up. |
MP3.com CD: Philosophies, Observations... - buy it!
CD: Philosophies, Observations... and the occasional RANT
Label: self published
This 3rd movement (Sonata #2) depicts the challenges of adult life and the process of becoming one. My wish is that my son earn the respect of others and learn self respect. The end depicts a public and private celebration of that. |
MP3.com CD: Philosophies, Observations... - buy it!
CD: Philosophies, Observations... and the occasional RANT
Label: self published
This ebullient romp takes a half a bar from the Sonata #2 2nd mvmnt, which represents a laugh, and turns it into a laughing fit. |
MP3.com CD: Keepsakes - buy it!
CD: not yet
Label: private
This early work (of mine) is similar in intent to Liszt's consolations, except it's scored for electronic instruments. The title refers to my belief that whatever your situation your deity is aware of your tribulations. I find that a comforting thought. It's a beautiful piece and there's nice counterpoint between the forground and backgound instruments. This piece is also relatively (for me) short. The working title was "Movie music" and that's why it's in the film music genre. Enjoy. |
MP3.com CD: Keepsakes - buy it!
CD: Not yet