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    "Christmas Song"genre: New Age
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    A "Sonota for Christmas in C Minor" CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Memories & Visions - Then & Now   Label: Zoetera Production Co
    Credits: Recoreded at Pilar, NM Engineer John Woodhouse
    "Snowfall"genre: New Age
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    This song was written on a beautiful snowy day in Santa Fe, New Mexico while looking out the window of our proactice space and watching the snowflakes fall. CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Childs Play   Label: Zoetera Production Co
    Credits: Recoreded at Pilar, NM Engineer John Woodhouse
    "Babylon"genre: New Age
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    This song incorporates some of our classical styles. It was also part of a soundtrack we wrote for Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" performed by PPKM of Pagosa Springs 1999 CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Meditar
    "Mystique"genre: World Fusion
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    "The Sleeper Has Awakened"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    Another Dune inspired title, we combine a very funky bass line with some of our 'transcendental' melodies."Sleeper",(as we so fondly call it), won the New Mexico Music Industry Coaltion Award for Best Song in 1994. CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it!
    "( ) -song between spaces"genre: New Age
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    Part of the punctuation series.Very melodic and floating.A great relaxation or meditation song. CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "Autumn Brown"genre: New Age
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    CD: H2Over   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Cool Dude Underneath"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Driving bass with an out there flute.What more can we say? CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "? (question mark)"genre: Indie
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    This song moves in and out of several different rhythm styles-rock,swing,latin.
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "No Bitch"genre: Funk
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    Funky back beat using some traditional jazz chords to underlie the flute melody. CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "Chequers"genre: Indie
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    Combining an off beat bass line with another melodic flute part and using our classic rock background makes Chequers what it is.Another song that is very hard to 'genre'ize'.There is even a touch of classical music in this piece.
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "Home Cooking"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    Funky little rhythm against a melodic flute line. CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it! CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "Temple"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    the title song to our second cd-TEMPLE.Jeff actually wrote this song for a band he played with in the early 80s,ROUNDTREE. Unfortunately, no recordings exist of the earlier version. Melange revamped it for our project and its one of our more popular live performance pieces. CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "Moonliss"genre: Film Music
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    A very dark night with no Moon in the sky. Our fans tell us this song belongs in a movie! This song won Best Engineer from the New Mexico Music Industry Coalition in 1994. Eric Larsen of CD Spot Studios,(now with Snappy Pig Studios,Alb.NM), won the award for his efforts. CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Dune Tune"genre: New Age
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    A tribute to Frank Herberts' book DUNE. Three seperate movements taking us on a tour of some of the planets involved in the story. CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Temple   Label: n/a
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena /Troy Broadnax/Micah Chappel composers
    "En Mi Corazon"genre: General Latin
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    A song about love, Love for ones dreams and visions, love for ones' partner, love of the adventure of life. Our music is "in our hearts". CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Memories & Visions   Label: n/a
    Credits: JoJo Sena/Jeff Tarnoff-composers-Lyrics/vocals-JoJo Sena
    "Dogstar"genre: Progressive Rock
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    A droaning backbeat combined with a melodic refrain.Good soundtrack stuff.
    CD: H2Over   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "AuContrare"genre: Progressive Rock
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    Contrarian in rhythm. The flute melody is played in 4/4 while the rest of the group is in 5/4 through the bulk of the song. The ending is in 7/8 just for a twist.
    CD: Memories & Visions   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Two Jews Blues"genre: General Blues
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    Written one evening after Jeff got off the phone with his father Marty. "The Two Jews" used to sit side by side at the piano messing with blues chords and melodies. CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Memories and Visions Then and Now   Label: Zoetera Production Co
    Credits: Recoreded at Pilar, NM Engineer John Woodhouse
    "Betelgeuse"genre: General Latin
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    this song is on two of our recordings, CHILDS PLAY and MEMORIES & VISIONS.This is one of our real crowd pleasers.The mariachi trumpet part was played first by Sal Jarimillo in 1991 and then by Chuck Smith on the new recording. The song is named for the bright orange star in the constellation Orion. CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Childs Play & Memories and Visions   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Credible"genre: New Age
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    Looking out across starry skies brings many visions to mind, of different landscapes and different realities. Very credible. CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Childs Play-H2Over and Memories and Visions
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Redway"genre: General Latin
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    A latin back beat complimented with some good ol' rock guitar playing. CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it!
    CD: H2Over   Label: self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Majestique"genre: Experimental/Post Rock
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    Feel the rock and feel the 5/4 beat of the rhythm section under the 4/4 of the melody. All comes to 7/8 at the end-for a while.
    CD: H2Over   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Blue Sky and You"genre: Soft Rock
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    CD: Childs Play-H2Over and Memories and Visions   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Lunartik"genre: Jazz Fusion
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    Free form flute at its finest!
    CD: H2Over   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Phix"genre: Latin Jazz
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    This song flows between a latin feel and progressive rock. CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it!
    CD: H2Over   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Jeni Li"genre: Latin Jazz
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    What a fun song!Inspired by JoJo's daughter-Jeni Li. We take a calypso feel and throw in a good dose of rock guitar and drums to get the folks on the dance floor.
    CD: H2Over   Label: Self-produced
    Credits: Jeff Tarnoff/JoJo Sena composers.
    "Bido"genre: World Fusion
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    Inspired by an African drum beat, an impromptu vocal and hearfelt recognition of a melody never heard before. CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Memories & Visions - Then & Now   Label: Zoetera Productions
    Credits: Produced by Zoetera Production Company
    "Cancion Para Feliz - Song for Feliz"genre: New Age
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    Wonderfull flute solo. CD: En Mi Corazon - buy it!buy it! CD: Meditar - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Memories & Visions - Then & Now   Label: Zoetera Production Co
    Credits: Recoreded at Pilar, NM Engineer John Woodhouse
    "Bandit"genre: General Jazz
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    A fun song featuring solos CD: Red Rock - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Memories & Visions - Then & Now   Label: Zoetera Production Co
    Credits: Recoreded at Pilar, NM Engineer John Woodhouse
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