Composed by M.L.Badarak for chorus with piano in 1996, the song is set to the poem by Anita Brenner. |
CD: IMPROMPTU ~ Recital in Spivey Hall, 1999
Label: limited release
This song was written for William and Jack and it is sung by their Gran. It's about friendship and adventure, trust and courage. |
Credits: Marty Kearns, recording engineer. |
This is a new choral arrangement of the Huron Indian Christmas Carol. Sung by the Chamber Choir IMPROMPTU under the direction of the composer, M. L. Place Badarak |
Label: recording engineer Marty Kearns
Credits: Down and Deep Studios |
"We shall not cease from exploration..." Composed for chorus with piano accompaniment, uses the text from the last 20 lines of Part V of T.S.Eliot's poem "Little Gidding" (used by permission, Harcourt, Pub.) |
CD: IMPROMPTU in the Cathedral
Credits: M&P Systems, Ron Peters producer and engineer. |
M.L. Badarak's meditative choral setting of the Denise Levertov poem is sung by the chamber choir IMPROMPTU. |
CD: IMPROMPTU in the Cathedral
Credits: M & P Systems, Ron Peters producer and recording engineer. |
Music by MLBadarak, text by William Blake, performed here by the Lauds Choir of the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany |
CD: "I'll Sing On"
Label: Limited release.
Credits: Credits: Awesome Audio, Scott McKee, engineer |
Sung by the Lauds Choir of the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany in Atlanta, this Introit sets a mood of peace and wonder at God's creation. |
CD: "I'll Sing On"
Label: Limited release.
Credits: Awesome Audio, Scott McKee, engineer |
Sung in the Shaped-notes style this is a unique choral arrangement of the traditional American hymn, Wondrous Love, combined with a new fuging tune that uses an adaption of the text from Romans 8. ("Neither death, nor life, nor anything in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ...") |
CD: I'll Sing On
This beloved English folk song was arranged by MLPBadarak and sung by the chamber choir IMPROMPTU, under the direction of the composer. |
Credits: Recorded in 2002 at DownInDeep Studios, Marty Kearns, producer and engineer. |
Instrumental. When the tarantula bites, you have to dance and dance until the poison works through the systems... don't stop dancing. |
Here's an updated arrangement of the spiritual favorite arranged for the chorus, IMPROMPTU by MLBadarak. |
CD: IMPROMPTU in the Cathedral
Credits: M&P Systems; Ron Peters, engineer and producer |
Composed by Mary Lynn Badarak and sung by the choral ensemble, IMPROMPTU. |
CD: Impromptu Sessions
Label: Down In Deep Studios