An upbeat acappella rendition to this well known Christmas song. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead vocals and harmonies by James Canterbury. Bass Vocals and additional harmonies by Wayne Pascall. |
From The album: "Christmas Moods" |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All Music Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead and Harmonies by James Canterbury, Bass by Wayne Pascall. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead vocals and harmonies by James Canterbury. Bass vocals and additional harmonies by Wayne Pascall. |
An upbeat, "finger-snapping" rendition to the scripture: Matthew 16:13-18, uplifting Jesus as The Solid Rock! |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it! MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Vocally produced and composed by Wayne Pascall, copyright 2003. |
A song about believing in Jesus Christ as The Way, The Truth and The Life. Taken from John 14:6 and Revelation 1:11. |
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall, Copyright, 2003. |
A medley of 2 well known church songs taken from Psalms137:1 and Pslams 25:2 |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it! MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: All Music Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall |
A well-known contemporary praise and worship song. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All Music Heard, Produced by The Voice of Wayne Pascall. |
A popular church song with an appeal for revival and preparation for The Lord's coming. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All Music Heard, Produced by The Voice of Wayne Pascall. |
A slow and soothing praise song that never fails to prepare our hearts and minds to worship God Almighty. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All music heard produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
A simple praise song that even the children can sing! |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: Written and produced by the voice and hands of Wayne Pascall (Copyright 2003), to God's glory. |
An energetic, "off the wall" arrangement and medley to the following Christmas songs: "Joy To The World," "He Come From De Glory," "O Come Let Us Adore Him," and Handel's "Messiah." |
CD: Christmas Spirituals
Credits: Arranged and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall. |
An upbeat acappella rendition to this well-loved Christmas carol. |
CD: Christmas Spirituals
Credits: Vocals and arrangement by Wayne Pascall. |
Acappella rendition to this well-known Christmas carol. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead vocals and harmonies by James Canterbury. Bass vocals by Wayne Pascall. |
A praise song, caribbean style! |
CD: Tell The World
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall. |
"I'll Fly Away" is probably one of the most popular hymns ever written. The song was born in the mind of Albert E. Brumley in 1929, while he was picking cotton. He says "actually, I was dreaming of flying away from that cotton field when I wrote I'll Fly Away." More information can be obtained about the author from his Website: www.brumleymusic.com. Brumley "flew away" from this life to the other side in 1977. This rendition is slightly different from the way it is traditionally sung. Thank God for our predecessors who authored such great songs. |
CD: Tell The World
Credits: All Music Heard Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall. |
A jubilant praise song reflecting on the brevity of this life and the joys of the life to come, when all the saints will sing: "Holy Is The Lamb!" |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it!
CD: Tell The World
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall. |
A strong Biblical message for conquering self-defeating emotions of regret and self-pity. Empowering lyrics from Philippians 3:13-14 for moving forward and "forgetting what is behind." KJV. |
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Vocally Produced and Composed by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
The "mountains" in our lives can be moved by faith. Lyrics from Matthew 17:20 and Mark 9:23. |
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Vocally Produced and Composed by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
Our constant quest to grow spiritually. Taken from 2 Peter 3:18, 1 Peter 1:16, Hebrews 12:14. |
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Vocally Produced and Composed by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
A jubilant praise song about the joy of praising God everyday: morning, noon and night. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: Written and Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
A slow, mellow praise song that exalts The Lord. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All music heard produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall to exalt The Lord God Almighty. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All Music Heard, Produced by The Voice of Wayne Pascall to The Glory of God. |
A praise song uplifting The Lord Jesus Christ as the center (focus) of the heart, where he ought to be. Written in the style of a love ballad. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
Uptempo rendition of 2 well known church songs. |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it!
CD: The Praises We Sing
Credits: Vocally produced by Wayne Pascall |
A contemporary praise and worhip song that lifts Jesus up to fight our battles, because "the battle belongs to The Lord." |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All music heard, with God's help, was produced by the voice and hands of Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
A popular contemporary praise and worship song that was written by Dennis L. Jernigan in 1991. In Dennis' own words, he says, "Day by day, as I cried out to God, I began doing what I saw David had done. Not only did I become bluntly honest with God, I also began to write down my prayers, which, for me, happened to come out in the form of songs!" "You Are My All in All" became so well-loved and inspired so many Christians that it can now be found in the songbooks of many churches. More information about the author can be obtained from his Website: www.dennisjernigan.com. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All music heard produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall to the glory of God. |
A worship song of encouragement to praise Jesus Christ each day, anticipating The Day in heaven when we will "Praise Jesus High." This song also infers that the best "HIGH" one can get is in praising Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: Written and Vocally Produced by The Voice of Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
A hymn written by William J. Kirkpatrick in 1900, better known as "The Lord Is In His Holy Temple". |
MP3.com CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord - buy it!
CD: Come Let Us Praise The Lord
Credits: All music heard produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall, to the glory of The Lord God Almighty. |
This African doo-wop song was originally written by South African, Solomon Linda. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" quickly became a hit in the 1940's and has been popularized by various artists until now. The song was made a huge hit by artists such as The Weavers in 1952, Miriam Makeba in 1956, The Tokens in 1961, Robert John in 1971, R.E.M in the 80's, Ladysmith Black Mambazo in the 90's and Walt Disney's movie: "The Lion King". This rendition is an adaptation and the lyrics are slightly changed, implying that while the lion (the devil) sleeps,prowls and devours, Jesus Lives and is Victorious!
CD: Single
Credits: All music heard produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall. |
A contemporary praise and worship song. |
CD: Tell The World
Credits: All music heard, produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall. |
An encouragement to come to God in complete surrender, without any pretenses. Written and rendered in a Pop style. |
CD: Tell The World
Credits: Written and Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2001. |
A soulful musical production of the scripture: 1 John 4:7. |
CD: Tell The World
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall. Words from 1John4:7. |
Taken from James 5:13. A merry song! |
CD: Tell The World
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall, copyright 2002. |
An upbeat rendition and variation to a modern church song. |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it!
CD: Every Tribe and Nation Sing
Label: Independent
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury |
A remake from the 60's favorite: "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King. This song includes a short inspirational speech by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The lyrics have been changed slightly, depicting a plea to God to stand by us in our loneliest and most difficult times. |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it!
CD: Every Tribe and Nation Sing
Credits: Adapted and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall. |
A soulful acappella rendition of the scripture: John 14:2-3 |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it! MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Every Tribe and Nation Sing
Label: Independent
Credits: All musical parts vocally produced by Wayne Pascall |
A Catchy tune based on Psalms 119:9 and Ecclesiastes 12:13, chiming encouragement for us in our youth. |
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall. |
A soothing rendition of the HEALING lyrics found in Matthew 11:28-30. JESUS, the master COUNSELOR, promises REST to all the "weak and heavy laden" who come to Him. |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it!
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: All music heard (except vocal percussions), produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall. Vocal Percussions by James Canterbury. Composed by Wayne Pascall, copyright 2003. |
"In Everything Give Thanks" is The Theme of This Song. Lyrics Taken from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21. |
MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Composed and Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall, Copyright 2003. |
An acappella rendition to this popular Christmas song. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead, harmonies and bass vocals by Wayne Pascall. Additional harmonies by James Canterbury. |
Mellow acappella rendition to this popular Christmas carol. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead vocals and harmonies by James Canterbury. Bass vocals by Wayne Pascall. |
Slightly different arrangement to this jubilant Christmas song. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead, harmonies and bass vocals by Wayne Pascall. Additional lead vocals and harmonies by James Canterbury. |
Upbeat song, taken from Romans 1:16. |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it! MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Every Tribe and Nation Sing
Credits: All music heard, produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall. Composition by Wayne Pascall: copyright, 2002. |
A prayerful song to God written in the style of a love ballad. |
CD: Every Tribe and Nation Sing
Credits: Music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury |
A jubilant praise song. Copyright Wayne Pascall, 2002. |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it!
CD: Every Tribe and Nation Sing
Credits: All Music Vocally Produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury |
The Bible encourages us to BE ADDICTED! Based on the principle of using POSITIVE ADDICTIONS to overcome and replace NEGATIVE ADDICTIONS, found in 1 Corinthians 16:15 King James Version. |
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Written and vocally produced by Wayne Pascall, Copyright, 2003. |
Upbeat, soulful rendition of "The Lord's Prayer" found in Matthew 6:9-13. Pray along with this song! |
MP3.com CD: Gospel Harmony - buy it! MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: Written and produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall, copyright 2003. |
A soothing song about salvation, uplifting Jesus Christ as The Way. |
MP3.com CD: Scripture Songs 4 U - buy it!
CD: Acappella Scriptures
Credits: All music heard produced by the voice of Wayne Pascall. Composed by Wayne Pascall, Copyright, 2003. |
An acappella rendition with a slightly different arrangement to this popular Christmas carol. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead vocals, harmonies and bass by Wayne Pascall. Vocal percussions, Additional lead and harmony vocals by James Canterbury. Arrangement by Wayne Pascall. |
Acappella rendition to this old Scottish song that celebrates the new year. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead, harmonies and bass vocals by Wayne Pascall. Additional harmonies by James Canterbury. |
Upbeat Christmas song written by Wayne Pascall and Arranged by James Canterbury. |
MP3.com CD: Christmas Moods - buy it!
CD: Christmas Moods
Credits: All music vocally produced by Wayne Pascall and James Canterbury. Lead vocals, harmonies and vocal percussions by James Canterbury. Bass vocals and additional vocal percussions by Wayne Pascall. |