When you have reached a certain level of chronological maturity and musical sophistication, the traditional Happy Birthday tune is a bit too simplistic. This tune is offered as an alternative. |
Credits: Words based on the traditional song, Music by Daniel Gilbride |
Lester always opts for permanent solutions. |
Credits: Words & Music by Daniel Gilbride |
My goals in writing this song were twofold -- to include as many song titles within the lyrics as reasonably possible while at the same time revealing the meaning of life. I fulfilled only one of my two goals. The lyrics to this song contain forty movie titles. How many can you identify? |
Credits: Words and Music by Daniel Gilbride |
A Good Friday Song. |
Credits: Words and Music by Daniel Gilbride |
For those who want to soar like an eagle even as others suggest that mediocrity would suffice. |
Credits: Words & Music by Daniel Gilbride |
Life is great when you live upstairs from your grandma. This song was written about a 20-something young man living upstairs from his 80-something grandmother. |
Credits: Words and Music by Daniel Gilbride |
This song is written for baby-boomers who grew up with Rock & Roll and for whom the music will always be an important part of their lives. |
Credits: Music and lyrics by Dan Gilbride |
If you can't be with the one you love, you'll be wishing for his/her return. |
Credits: Words and music by Daniel Gilbride |
This song is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to those who wait endlessly (or for what at least seems like an eternity) while large files download or upload. |
Credits: words and music by Daniel Gilbride |
A Toast to the Groom and the Bride. |
Credits: words and music by Daniel Gilbride |
Beryl's Pig was written about an urban family with a pet pig -- a big one. Every word is true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent or otherwise. |
Credits: Words and Music by D. Gilbride |
This song was written and recorded to commemorate the 90th birthday of Mrs. Larson. It is instrumental and consists of an interwoven blend of Gilda's (Mrs. Larson's) Theme with variations on the traditional Happy Birthday melody. It was recorded on a Tascam 788 digital 8-track portastudio. |
Credits: by Daniel Gilbride |
Legacy was written in commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Zion Lutheran Church in Tinley Park, Illinois. |
Credits: Words and music by Daniel Gilbride |
A 4th of July Song |
Credits: Words & Music by Daniel Gilbride |