This was my first full shot at a sort of dub. It's not perfect by any means, but I still like it a lot. |
Label: N/A
Credits: Written by Scott Lashinsky All instruments and drum programming by Scott Lashinsky |
This is one of the first complete songs I recorded myself. It is an instrumental song which sounds to me to have a type of Latin-based groove. The title comes from the Lord Jesus Christ's command in the book of Mark, chapter 5 to a formerly demon-possessed man to go to his family and tell them what the Lord Christ had done for him and how the Lord had mercy on him. Somewhere in the music I believe lies the man's testimony, and mine, the same. |
Credits: Written by Scott Lashinsky Percussion loop by Eric Darken (Discrete Drums), all other instruments by Scott Lashinsky |
I recorded this instrumental song for a friend's short film class project. I never saw the film, but he said the song worked. The track is all guitars.
Somehow this song reminds me of the Lord's promises and trusting in those promises, like the promise that His Christ would rise from the dead, and He did. Now we wait for His Christ, Jesus, to return from the sky. |
Credits: Written by Scott Lashinsky All instruments by Scott Lashinsky |