MP3.com CD: RAINFOREST- - buy it!
The light calmness of a quiet spatter.
The way the darkened sky overcast into the horizon.
As the thunder rolls in, you grasp stronger…
Desperation, with every breath, and a struggle to find the hidden path.
One day leads before another, but still remains.
A thunder…and echo deep inside…a way in which you perceive.
That which is heard, is not always seen.
The water of morrow falls the same, falls to become…Midnight Rain~
(Poem written by Daniel in 1996 as the rain was falling one night, the sky flashed with the brilliance of lightning between the calm falling of the rain as it lightly ran down my window.)
MP3.com CD: RAINFOREST- - buy it!
The mystery and power of a stream as it flows down from the mountainside with a rushing twist of beauty and might as the sun bursts through the mist while the path winds onward. The direction is endless with yet a knowing route of travel of the Silver Stream.
MP3.com CD: RAINFOREST- - buy it!