Faikava (in the islands) is a traditional kava drinking ceremony where the men sit around in a circle telling stories, singing songs and (for the most part) enjoying themselves. This song focuses on issues that couples/families may go through when spouses go to the extreme of attending the "faikava" every night. |
CD: Sai a afe
Label: Halakiumata Records
Credits: Written and produced by Tuli Lino |
This Hard-core Rock song will have your mind spining! It totally gives Spiritual Rock a whole NEW meaning! Temptation Fighter is 1844's only English song on their "Sai a afe" album. It speaks on the subject of fighting temptation. Believe it or not temptation is all around, yet there is good and there is bad. The focus of this song is to rid yourselves of the bad temptation by fighting the urge (keeping in control what you say/do that may cause harm to others). |
CD: Sai a afe
Label: Halakiumata Records
Credits: Written and produced by Tuli Lino |
This song has a very strong "Alternative Rock" atmosphere within. Written in Tongan language, this song's title is translated as, "When will there be Peace". The song elaborates on ruins caused by greed and selfishness. |
CD: Sai a afe
Label: Halakiumata Records
Credits: Written and produced by Tuli Lino |