A personal song. Kinda hip/sad with an edge. |
A story about a man and his prostitute... Metal meets 80s pop and some hip hop... you don't stop.
It's gettin kinda hectic.
Have fun with this one. |
So yeah... We don't always feel like we belong, do we? A quick 2 minutes of THE KING OF THE ROBOTS if you click... so click...CLICK D*MN YOU. |
This is one of the more "average listener friendly" songs I've written. Kinda a 70's/60's feel at parts.
*If you're new here, this may be a good place to start. Dig? |
I was driving somewhere when I was 16 and this song popped fully formed into my brain. It was years before I actually recorded it.
Oh, but this is it. : )
Speaks for itself. It's kinda got a retro, 1968 feel along with a bit o other stuff. |
Part funky... Part heavy... ALL Offensive.
About a certain unfortunate guy/girl dynamic...
So, have a sense of humor. |
Here's an *older* song. If you like System of a Down... you might just dig it. |
Soft song. Sad. I don't really know what to say other than this song is very personal. |