I have finally done it! I have been working for years on a device to cross into an alternate dimension! After long hours of work in my sound lab, the device is ready to take you, or anyone else who dares to explore, to a place youve never been before. A place that lies just beyond the reach of our imaginations....(see "song story" for more info) |
Credits: a salvaged telephone bell, static nose generators, some new speakers, and a lot of imagination. |
This is an experimental piece that I put together after running some songs sung by my friend Keirstey through a special sound filter. This song has a sound to it that reminds me of faries singing. |
Credits: Me and Keirstey, A.K.A. The Daisymonster. Visit her page at http://daisymonster.com |
This is a piece that consists entirely of wind and the hooting sounds bottles make when you blow into them. its very peaceful and i had fun making it. my own breath was used to make every sound in this song. |