Girls, girls, girls! One No Good Girl can sour the whole basket. About a chick who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. Wears a mirror mask in the big boys' league, but underneath the makeup a little girl with a ponytail. You're No Good, Girl! |
CD: Gentlemen prefer T
Credits: Music by Mr. Reverend Lyrics by Mr. Reverend & Mr. Stripper |
Mr. 21 kicks around the scene and makes you believe your worth the cash and ass he cheats from you, honey! A million bucks worth of Morrison and more. So cross your legs and pull down your dress 'cause in the morning when he is gone you won't know what hit ya! |
CD: Gentlemen prefer T
Credits: Music by Mr. Van Rock Lyrics by Mr. Van Rock & Mr. Stripper |
Roaming and scouring the midnight streets of St. Petersburgh. Crashing out of bars with girls on the side. Biva and Vodka. Mob-run Striptease households! Balancing and dancing on the rooftops! Will be back soon if the customs let me. |
CD: Gentlemen prefer T
Credits: Music & Lyrics by Mr. Reverend |