"I Love Wrestling" is a hilarious song performed by a couple of die hard fans, who are trying to get a wrestler to use their song as his entrance music. If he doesn't want it they suggest he give it to a fellow grappler. Done in a fast, heavy style, this song will surely make you move your head or chuckle at the least. |
CD: Grislore's Pot Party
Label: Pompous Nectar Productions
Credits: Vocals by Grislore and Wheeler, Additional backing vocals by Bobby Screamer...and Grislore's kitties, Music performed by the Electric Wilda Beasts, Produced by Mr. Red himself, Written by Grislore and Wheeler |
In this skit, GRISLORE receives a phone call from a robot who informs our beloved werewolf that he has failed a certain test. If GRISLORE ever understands what the hell is going on is anybody's guess, but "You Failed Your Test" is a must-listen for anyone who has ever had to pass a drug test. One of the highlights off a side-splittingly funny album. |
CD: GRISLORE's Pot Party
Label: Pompous Nectar Productions
Credits: Written and Produced by the McKinnon Bros. |
Ah, yes, The Cupcake Song, a tasteful number featuring animals, pastries, and the term "mother f*cker" 17 times. Classy stuff, very classy stuff indeed. |
Label: Pompous Nectar Productions
Credits: Produced by the McKinnon Bros. |