Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dedication Song |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000BoomTheRebirth
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: ShedrickClaycomb,MichaelSouthers,CarlosMerriweather |
Speaks of people trying to fake the real, being someone they really are not !So we say they just "Cold Street Frontin". |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: All lyrics written by Master Clay and Mike M.C. |
Remake of 92 version of Thanks only with the vocals on it. |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: ShedrickClaycomb,MichaelSouthers,CarlosMerriweather |
Talks about respect for the black man in america.It was a collaboration of all the SolRac Artist,Including rappers and singers. |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: Lyrics written by:Carlos Merriweather,Shedrick Claycomb,Michael Southers, Jaron Alexander, A.J.& Hezzy Jewell, & Garland Thomas |
Rap song focusing on the importance of staying in school.The song YoTeachers&Students is mixed in immediately following StayInSchool. |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000TheRebirth
Label: Sol-Rac Records
Credits: All lyrics written by DeepThought. |
Dedication to "Malcolm X" |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: Master Clay , Mike M.C. |
Deals with the reality of uniting society for the good of all. |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: All lyrics written by Master Clay and Mike M.C. |
knowledge of self above all else. |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: Lyrics for this song were written by SolRac,DeepThought,&Y.G.B. |
This song was written by us as a way to saythanks to all the people who have supportedus over the years.(Instrumental Version). |
MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 2 - buy it! MP3.com CD: DeepThoughtCompilation2000Boom Copy 1 - buy it!
CD: DeepThoughtTheRebirthCompilation2000
Label: Sol Rac Records
Credits: All lyrics written by Master Clay and Mike M.C. |