Paul is taking classes in philosophy and I asked him to write a lyric based on this. Guitar rock recorded 26/10/2003.
"Close your eyes, look around, open your mind, see what you've found". Great lyric Paul, cheers mate.
Credits: Music/Ally Valentine Lyrics/Paul Valentine |
8th song with Paul. Recorded 16 Nov 2002. Uptempo with a good groove. "You left me with nothing, you've taken it all. I'm afraid to show my face in the street. I'm battered, bruised and cut to the bone and I can't stand on my own two feet" |
Credits: Music/Ally Valentine Lyrics/Paul Valentine |
9th with Paul. Recorded 17 May 2003 then I thrashed him 6-1 at pool. What a great day.
"this time, there was no excuse, I can't take this abuse, she smiles and tells me she'll change" |
Credits: Music/Ally Valentine Lyrics/Paul Valentine |
2nd Lyric by Lisa. Recorded 23 Feb 2003. Very strong Elton John influence melodicly. "She had that look that made me melt" |
Credits: Music/Ally Valentine Lyrics/Lisa Valentine |
Acoustic based and mid paced. Catchy, about a guy who treated girl like dirt and lost her to someone else. "I took your love and gave you none, toyed with you just for fun" |
Credits: Music/Ally Valentine Lyrics/Paul Valentine |
2nd with Paul. Mid paced rock. Recorded 3 March 2001. "Tell me that I've done some good, cos I sure have done some bad" |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine / Lyrics Paul Valentine |
Mid paced guitar driven song about a girl who refuses to change for anybody. "I aint gonna change for you, or anybody else, if you dont like me the way I am take a good look at yourself" |
Credits: Music/Ally Valentine Lyrics/Lisa Valentine |
3rd song written with Paul. Recorded 15 July 2001. Mid paced about a man who feels let down by society and life. "You made a promise you did not keep, still we follow like a flock of sheep" |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine / Lyrics Paul Valentine |
Song about the homeless and our ignorance of their plight. Great lyric from Paul (our 5th). "Follow the trail of the neon lit skyline, down sleazy back alleys that don't see sunshine" |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine / Lyrics Paul Valentine |
Great lyric yet again from Paul. Number 7 together. Recorded 16-6-02. Backing vocals by my kids, Lisa and Craig. "Of all the strangers that I Know, there's some I've never met". I love that line. |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine / Lyrics Paul Valentine |
Mid paced blues. Recorded on Tascam portastudio. Probably desperation is the theme of this one. "I drink at night to ease the pain, it ain't no use it just remains" |
Credits: Music/Lyrics Ally Valentine |
Short acoustic track. I really like this. . Recorded one sunny morning using Magix Audio studio on pc. "plan a life together, not noticing the darkness fading into mornings early light" |
Credits: Music/Lyrics Ally Valentine |
Catchy demo, rocky song. Billy Gibbons influence apparent on outro guitar work. Lyrics are bizarre, what goes on in my head. "for a coffin is the only place where peace lies in this world" |
Credits: Music/Lyrics Ally Valentine |
6th with Paul. Song with a bluesy feel. Influenced by ZZ Top and AC/DC. "she wants me but she don't know it, she needs me but she don't show it" |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine Lyrics Paul Valentine |
4th with Paul. He bravely tackles a sensitive subject(domestic violence/jealousy). "I just loved you to death, the only woman I adore" |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine / Lyrics Paul Valentine |
Lyrics by my daughter Lisa. Recorded New Years Day 2003. Acoustic guitars only. Lisa also recorded a version
"baby I miss you, do you miss me too?" |
Credits: Music - Ally Valentine / Lyrics - Lisa Valentine |
AC/DC influence. Lyrics by my cousin, Paul, our first song together. Recorded on Magix Audio studio to pc, one saturday afternoon with a couple of beers. "is that any way to live, in a relationship you don't want cos you've nothing more to give" |
Credits: Music Ally Valentine / Lyrics Paul Valentine |
Woke up with these words in my head and had to get up to write them down. Wrote the music 21-01-01. "it came to me in darkness and floated down a stream on it's way to heaven" |
Credits: Music/Lyrics Ally Valentine |
A guy struggles to cope with the fact his girl left him. Recorded using Tascam portastudio. "pack your bags and come back home, don't torture me no longer baby, I just can't stand to be alone" |
Credits: Music/Lyrics Ally Valentine |
Band version of The Rose. Recorded with Anthony Fortunato - Drums, Kevin Clark - bass, Graham Aitken - Guitar and myself, Guitar Vocals. Backing Vocals Joy Young. "an overdose just had to come, The Rose laid down to die" |
Credits: Music Kevin Clark Lyrics Ally Valentine |