Theme: "There are many tombstones labeled
'Unknown Soldier' for those who defended
the 'Flag'. Here is a salute to try and give them a name through music."
Instruments: Horn Section, Piano,
Bass Guitar, Orchestra, Flute, Drums and Sound Effects. |
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |
Synopsis: "Inside every type of computer, tiny critters
exist behind the scenes, piecing every image together. For their efforts, here is an
instrumental melody designed to entertain them when the user boots-up."
Instruments: Piano, Xylophone, Bass, Drums, Percussions and Sound Effects.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Theme: "Hard hitting song depicting the struggle to acquire true Justice."
Instruments: Horn Section, Piano, Bass Guitar, Saxophone and Drums.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |
Synopsis: "After the Art Museum is closed for the day and
as the clock strikes Midnight, the artwork within comes alive with sound."
Instruments: Piano, Orchestra, Bass and Chorus.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |
Synopsis: "The board game of chess holds many combinations of
movements. Enter into the center of action and feel the fury from the battlefield, led by
the opposing Kings."
Instruments: Electric Piano, Bass Piano, Bass and Sound Effects.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |
Theme: "The ear catching jingle can accompany your travel back home from a long day at work."
Instruments: Electric Piano, Bass Piano, Drums and Percussions.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |
Synopsis: "Come along for a roller-coaster ride inside
the merging of Symphonies, Rhapsodies and Overtures."
Instruments: Piano, Orchestra, Harpsichord, Bass and Pipe Organ.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |
Theme: "Strap yourself inside our super
high-tech spacecraft and listen as we travel through the Galaxy at warp speed."
Instruments: Electric Piano, Bass, Electric Guitar, Drums and Sound Effects.
CD: Music for the Millennium!!
Label: ACRUS
Credits: 2002 ACRUS Productions, IL. |