some cool chords and loops with delay, sounds ok this one...pretty basic stuff. |
CD: n/a
Label: unreleased
Credits: Makinoize Sept 2003 |
Early piece this, experimental noise, sample editing, cut up stuff....all done in Wavelab. Has been on here before but due to recent interest in experimental sounds i thought i would put it back on, new stuff like this sorta thing should be coming soon. |
CD: n/a
Label: unreleased
Credits: Makinoize2000 |
If you like random noise all messed up, then you might like this. |
CD: n/a
Label: unreleased
Credits: makinoize |
Inspired by Whistling Pariah, this one was made outa tones, very chilled nice sounds with a resonating tone that changes when you move your head around (lol), recently used at http://www31.brinkster.com/headtones/ |
CD: unreleased
Label: n/a
Credits: Makinoize.Jan2003 |
Rhythms made using amplitude plugins, early experiments on computer software...interesting if sat and listened to carefully. |
Credits: Makinoize-summer2000 |
Odd repetitive rhythm that is adjusted slightly using gate threshold settings. |
Credits: makinoize-summer200 |
Basic beats and static placed underneath. Made using sections from other rhythms prevously created, in a new technique i use alot now, basic beats as one sound or sample to create more complex beats without the complex programing, also to reduce that quantized feel you get using computers, a more realistic touch to it. |
Credits: makinoize-summer2000 |
Disturbing piece that plays with movement through speakers and suttle eq changes to push get the listener to notice sounds that have been there all the time...to make people listen..the basic idea. |
Credits: makinoize-summer2000 |
Credits: makinoize-summer2000 |
Credits: makinoize-summer2000 |
simple short track with simple beats and nice melody |
CD: n/a
Label: unreleased
Credits: makinoize feb2003 |
Repetitive groove, chilled sounds, slight electronic dub sound..kinda |
CD: n/a
Label: unreleased
Credits: Makinoize Sept 2003 |
Field recordings and other sounds put through Granular software and placed simply to adjust mood throughout track. |
CD: n/a
Label: n/a
Credits: makinoize-2002 |
A chord sample, re-sampled using plugins, to create this on going changing harmonized sounding piece. |
CD: n/a
Label: n/a
Credits: me |
Random frequencies and track snippets pitch sliding, reversing, slowing etc created from an older track, basic sample software tampering, recently used on internet radio http://www31.brinkster.com/headtones/ |
CD: unreleased
Label: unreleased
Credits: just me |