ickey live 2001. thats about it. this is the last ickey to date. maybe another ickey will pop up somewhere sometime, but not iyfan stylee. |
CD: in your face and nasty- back 2 the office
Label: toremisvcorps records
listen to this song only if you have a bag of snacks in your lap. |
CD: in your face and nasty- back 2 the office
Label: ...toremisvcorps records...
grandmother flew off the roof by the highly defunct garage band vermiciousknids. this is live in 95. the first ever recording of any band i have been in. i think the drummer in this band hadnt hit puberty yet. |
CD: never will this ever make a cd. unless you mix-tape it
Label: pre-tvc TVC1995
Credits: vermicious knids- jared skrabala, eric grimm, adam drummer, myself. no bass??? |