The first song i wrote, age 16. The first song i've ever attempted to put vocals over. Mind you that i played each instrument on its individual track with ONE TAKE, so don't draw too many conclusions from the vocals. Even the solo was one take. Please keep these things in mind. |
Credits: Adam Greene - Production (Archetypical Productions Ltd.) |
Unfinished session. Keep checking back for updates. |
Unfinished session. Dont take too seriously. Drums are bland and will be reordered. Vocals already written, just waiting for a new condenser. |
Another early noise-filled, yet highly advanced piece of sound compared to my first recording attempts. Im proud of this dirty little gem. It has a character all its own, and i cant wait to revitalize and revamp it cause i feel there is much to work with and build upon. |
Recorded during the "Another Way" and "Gunwalker" period. Expect noise. I hadnt applied any noise reduction techniques to my material during this time. The melodies are still signature DOVS. |
This mix is terrible, but it was a fun session. Much more complex melodies and arrangements on the way. |
My first semi-solid recording. Handle with care. Noise pollution and inexperience evident. |
Thrown together bit by bit July 1st and 2nd 2002. More evidence of my dire need for a digital mixer. Bear with me. |
Unfinished session. Keep checking back for updates. |
Unfinished session. Dont take too seriously. Enjoy the lo-finess. |
Recorded during the "Another Way" and "Gunwalker" period, 6 months before this site and its most recent recordings was founded. Noisy and disjointed. Wait until i update it. It's a kick ass tune. |
Recorded during the "Another Way" and "Gunwalker" period, somewhere around january 2002. Very noisy and underdeveloped, but i will have mucho fun reassembling this piece in the near future. Sorry for the over-lead guitar. Try to pay attention to the synth slithering around in the background. |
Unfinished session. Needs lots of touching up. Once again, try not to take these songs too seriously. You'll have all the time in the world to do that once im finished. |
Unfinished sessions. Digital mixer needed badly. Still lovely leviathan. |
Credits: Brandon Greene (Guitars, Bass, Additional Drum Programming) |
Recorded during the "Another Way" and "Gunwalker" period. This is supposed to be very short, in case you were wondering. Its an interlude. I will place a couple of similar pieces on my records. |