Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. It’s message is perfection. Saturn comes forth and challenges what we ‘think’ to be right / wrong and makes us think and re-think until most of us just give up. This CD, Saturn, allows your mind to open and re-see a situation until your mind has reached the highest level possible, “God-Perfection”.
Just when you think you “got it right,” think again. This CD will assist your mind and body in accepting the challenge, all for the sake of perfection, reaching our highest height.
CD: Saturn – Accepting the Challenge
Strength, power, physical well-being. This is the power of Mars.
Lack energy no more with this revitalizing music from Mars. Feel the courage, power and strength to succeed at whatever it is you are doing.
Lead as you are born to lead. Follow as you are born to follow. Yet, whatever you do, do your best.
CD: Mars – Physical Power
Neptune is the planet of illusion and escape. The planet is the eighth from our sun in the solar system. Neptune provides us with the ability to escape our physical, mental reality, and move into a world of bliss and harmony. Neptune is the planet of high illusion, as in this CD, which brings forth the ability to transcend the mind into states of spiritual ascension. Taking you deep into the ocean state of mind, where perfect harmony and balance exists.
Allow yourself to escape from the chore of everyday life and let Neptune take you to places you have only dreamed of.
CD: Neptune – Moving Beyond the Physical