Rejoice in legitimacy, but think think think. This musical idea is a cover of the Zager and Evens harmony that exhibits time truth future-history. To hear, or to here all no is land accents. Oh, what a lucky day for us under your own steam in Buckmistery. Truth reveled-uncovered in a tune, subsisting in honest inspirations! |
MP3.com CD: An Introduction - buy it!
CD: 50 Years of Timeless Jazz Favorites
Label: Dymaxion Records
Listen to me, flesh beast...do you want to know the secret? Do you want to be on familiar terms with the hush-hush certainty bathed in truth? Commit to memory. Transmit the meme. Process. Live. Open up and say computer-devotional-quagmire. Salvation? No, but salivation! You got a hankerin’ for more? We are the dog food of the Cerberus! Ladle truth up and put it in a bowl on the floor. Here Fido, Fido, Fido- come and get it! |
MP3.com CD: An Introduction - buy it!
CD: 50 Years of Timeless Jazz Favorites
Label: Dymaxion Records
In tribute to John Cage, only those responsive to pure Buckminstery can make the most sense of this difficult piece. Ah! What is the Commotion entering my aural holes? Is Music Concrete! Of course! Just like my grandfather made in the laboratory, rejoice, horn-rimmed glasses(aquis). Rejoice! Analog sincerity, “perfection only the new age can bring.” Loop my magnetic tape, you Sun of a Buckminster, of a Cage. |
MP3.com CD: An Introduction - buy it!
CD: Sponsoring Industrialization Peacefully
Label: Dymaxion Records