The long awaited Muslim Studio album is finally on its way and InshAllah will be completed by February 1st 2004. "By Islam, we're family!" is the second song on the upcoming 2 CD album (The first CD will songs with music and the second CD will be a poetry/spoken word CD which will not have any music). The song reminds the listner the importance of Unity among Muslims. Unity based on Islam and nothing else. For the time being, the song is available for "listen only" and then will be available for "free download". Please support Muslim Studio by buying their upcoming album (1st CD) available on 2.1.2004 InshAllah. The 2nd CD (Poetry/Spoken word without music) will be available on 4.1.2004. The success of Muslim Studio is ONLY because of Allah (swt).
www.muslimstudio.com |
CD: Released on February 1, 2004 on www.muslimstudio.com)
Label: www.muslimstudio.com
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
GOTO www.muslimstudio.com to get the latest info on this band.
They kuffar are celebrating, thinking they are defeating Islam but they can NEVER STOP ISLAM! If you want to hear a song that will bring you up when you feel down, this is it! It is a REMINDER for all those who have forgotten.
(**Note: This is an unofficial song and therefore NOT from SOA but rather it is made by two members of SOA for upcoming soundtrack of the audio movie, "Salahudin: The Return of Palestine", which can be found on MuslimStudio.com)
Don't be suprised if the song makes it to #1 MP3.com InshAllah!!!
Goto our messageboard on www.muslimstudio.com
Allahu' Akbar!
if this song inspires you, LET US KNOW by going to www.muslimstudio.com - We are looking forward to your comments InshAllah. |
CD: Salahudin: The Return of Palestine Soundtrack (coming soon)
Label: www.muslimstudio.com
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
The song is geared for all those so called "Scholars" who twist the words of Allah (swt) for their own benefit. They spit out fake fatwahs for the corrupted rulers so they can control the masses. Scholars today mislead us so they can lead us! |
MP3.com CD: No Compromise in ISLAM ! - buy it! MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: No Compromise in Islam !
Label: no label * www.bestummah.com
Credits: Only for the Pleasure of Allah |
This song is straight from the hearts of the Soldiers of Allah. Don't be surprised if this song makes it to #1. Listen to the song and imagine the masses of Muslims worldwide surrounding our corrupted leaders and singing the song. |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: 1924 THE CD
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
The best song that we have ever made. Words cannot describe the power behind the lyrics. Either you make History or you become History. This song will inshALLAH describe our Islamic history and how the enemies of Islam brought the Muslim Ummah to its current decline. |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: 1924
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
The so called "Muslim Leaders" in the Middle East are just puppets to the West. No leader today leads with Islam eventhough they cliam to. This song is a direct message unveal their hidden agenda and to awaken the weak masses who follow them |
MP3.com CD: No Compromise in ISLAM ! - buy it!
CD: No compromise!
Label: No label (www.bestummah.com) check out our site!!!
Credits: Only for the Pleasure of Allah (swt) |
As we walk through the conferences and listen to the speakers, we hear everything but the truth. Today, organizations follow their own method on reestablishing Islam but no one is following the Phophet's method. Did the Prophet start a charity organization? Did the Prophet join the ranks of the Kourish when he offered to rule Mecca? No. Thousands of organizations today and the number of Muslims killed and women raped are increasing. We must follow only the Prophet's method otherwise we will continue to suffer. For more info, email us at soldiersofallah@hotmail.com. |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: 1924 THE CD
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
For 1400 years, the Islamic State was the ruling power in the Muslim world. On March 3, 1924, this State was demolished (after hundreds of years of planning by our enemies). Our problems today are symptoms of this missing link, which is Islam. It's time to BRING ISLAM BACK! |
MP3.com CD: No Compromise in ISLAM ! - buy it!
Credits: For the Pleasure of Allah (swt) |
MP3.com CD: No Compromise in ISLAM ! - buy it!
Label: www.bestummah.com
Credits: Only for the Pleasure of Allah (swt) |
We will not compromise this deen. Like it or not, we are the examples. As dawah carriers, we have a responsibility to carry this deen of Islam to the world. We, by no means, have the right modify Islam to satisfy the kufar but rather we must keep it respresented and presented as Muhammed saws did when he was tasked with the deliverence of the Message. Consequently, it must be presented as a Complete Way of Life requiring obedience in all walks of life. Check out the song InshAllah. |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: 1924
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the Pleasure of Allah |
"This is our (Muslim Ummah) situation and not just a sad song." This songs vividly describes the harsh reality of our Ummah's situation today. |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: 1924
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
An inspirational song made for Muslims by Muslims. |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
This is the first track of our new Album, "1924". This is the first of 17 tracks. InshAllah download them and email us with your comments at soldiersofallah@hotmail.com Please visit us at www.soldiersofallah.com |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: 1924
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the pleasure of Allah (swt) |
Outro |
MP3.com CD: 1924 THE CD - buy it!
CD: No Compromise
Label: Soldiers of Allah
Credits: Only for the Pleasure of Allah (swt) |