This is a very amzing track consisting of very dramatic strings and percussion. The chorus is just amazing the original version had a different chorus and the chorus of this track was just a change up of the original version.? Well just listen to it! And if you have a chance please E-Mail me and tell me which version you like better the original or the Remix. |
Credits: Avi-On (Vladik M) |
This is the original version. After creating this track I just fell in love with the change up that occurs at 2:15 and decided to remix it with that change up being the chorus. The original version is for someone who dosn't want the melody of the chorus to completly change. But please listen to both and tell me what you prefer better. |
Credits: Avi-On (Vladik M) |
A very emotional track with a great build up towards the chorus and a small change up at 2:08 . The track is composed really good so you have to listen to it all the way through. |
Credits: Avi-On (Vladik M) |
More of a club track. Strings in the chorus and distorted synths throughout the track. If you enjoy raw club beats you will probably enjoy this. |
Credits: Avi-On (Vladik M) |
This beat will blow you away. Changes up 3 times and just gets better and better. The ending has a very dramatic and uplifting build up that just makes you wanna flow. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
This beat is full of sounds including mood setting ambient sounds, Asian style sounds and some really good percussion. This beat just makes you wanna dance setting a great mood. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
Good beat to have on an album will defenetly get some attention. |
CD: For Sale
This is a very moody track that after you listen you will wanna hear again. Made with an unusuall ending that changes to faster tempo in the end. The chorus melodies are really catchy so listen!!! |
CD: For Sale
This beat is more of an uptempo beat. With some fast paced drums it's sounds like a vicious club beat. Listen at 2:24 where the melody completly changes. |
CD: For Sale
If you wanna do an Indian Style Track this is defenetly the beat for you. Listen to it all the way. The ending is crazzzy tight. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
This Track will get you going. As you listen to it your adrenaline will be rising and pumping. This one hits hard. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
This is probably the best beat I have made if not one of the best beats on MP3.COM . With the amount of diiferent changes and drops up in here. You Gotta listen to the whole track. Will defenetly make your head nod. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
This is the re-recording of the first song "Style". It also has new Drums and instruments. A lot better than the original.
Very hard beat including my accordion style. Melody is crazzzy a must listen to. |
CD: Avi-On
Credits: Avi-On |
Very moving track. Includes a very melodic arrangment of instruments including piano,strings and many other instruments |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
A flavor of my home country Ukraine. Accordion with a great beat.Listen! |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
If you need drama this is the track. Very strong sounding track with a "Jaws" type of stings playing through the whole track. It has a mean melody which makes it even more dramatic. |
Credits: Avi-On |
Avi-on at one of his finest. Very mysterious sounds with many changes and tight melodies! Just check it out. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Every time I listen to this track I just wanna get out of my seat and go wild. With a ruff artist on it this can sound insane! |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Fast Beat with some great instumentation. Powerfully changes back and forth from one to another. Avery well made track. Will defenetly make your Head Twist. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
Hella hard hittin beat. Very futuristic. Mean sounding rock guitar. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
It's one of my slower beats but still a hard hitter with flowing jazzy guitars and other instruments. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Very electronic. With a hook that hella builds up.Changing a lot in the end. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Deep bassy string strikes follow this track with hard hitting beats. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Guitar track with a lot of bass. Having many types of guitars and instruments. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Deep oozing strings with hard beats. Very moving tracks feels very deep. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Unusual industrial sounding beat with futuristic instruments.Many changes and tight melodies. |
CD: Avi-On
Credits: Avi-On |
Very explosive track. With a Hard beat and some tight instrumentation. |
CD: For Sale
Credits: Avi-On |
Nice melody and crazy percussion. |
CD: Avi-On
The perfect intro to CD |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-on
Label: none
Nice piano melody with hard strings. In the middle this beat completley changes into aznother beat. Just check it out. |
CD: Avi-On
Named after it's hypnotizing background theme. Includes hella tight piano and guitar melodies. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Futuristic Bass with a rock guitar and many other interesting instruments. Changes up a lot. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
A more calmer beat than my usual. Has a hook that will grab anyone's attention and an ending that builds up strong. |
Credits: Avi-On |
Great theme melody and very uplifting. Very stylish track with a great composition of instruments. |
MP3.com CD: Avi-On - buy it!
CD: Avi-On
Strong string build up. With a beat breakdown in the middle. |
CD: Avi-On
Live sounding percussion. Switches up almoast throughout the whole song into many melodies. |
CD: Avi-On
Very innovative track with strong attacking electronic guitar. It has the sounds of springs throughout the track and has a tight as hell ending. |
CD: Avi-On