This is pretty cool, it's the only recording that we have that features the new lineup of this band, although it was recorded quite a while back (long story). Our friend Spank is now an official member of the band as bass player and sometimes singer. This song was recorded at the recording studio of our local community college as project for another friend of ours, and features Russ on vocals and Spanky on Bass. This song will now most likely be reworked but here is the original version. |
Credits: KungPhuGryp |
Did you ever see or read the story of The StarBelly Sneeches, Spanky on vocals |
Credits: KungPhuGryp |
WARNING: this song is here for historical reference only!
Sort of an experiment in the studio featuring Spanky on bass and our friend Kim on vocals. It's a little rough but I think the spirit of the song is pretty cool, Check it out and draw your own conclusions. |
Credits: KungPhuGryp |