Protected with glowing, amber runes said to ward the undead--the gigantic gates of Morgoth stand well over 100' tall. The enormous gate spans an entire valley, unchanged for as long as anyone can remember. Though the gates origin remains a mystery, it inspires countless stories (some of which have turned to legends) of what ancient threat inspired it's construction. |
Bow down, the Hand is Sacred. |
Part I of the B R A I N Trilogy--A collaboration with Ed Drury. Repeatedly hitting in Top Ten Industrial Electronic. Listen to Ed's incredible artistry @ www.mp3.com/eddrury. |
Part II of the B R A I N Trilogy; repeatedly hitting #1 in the Industrial Electronic Charts. |
Part III of the B R A I N Trilogy. Repeatedly hitting Top Ten Industrial Electronic. |
Hitting #2 Industrial on Soundclick charts (where it was first released) within days. |
A gigantic Bird from a distant galaxy terrorizes the United States by attacking passenger planes in mid-flight. This song has hit #1 Tech Step multiple times. |
Also known as Monster Zero. |
Bending Light with Acid has repeatedly held weeks at the #1 slot on the Abstract Charts. |
The Path we all must take sooner or later. |
Based on the archtype of flying we all share in our dreams. |
Aliens descend and abduct an entire town of hapless villagers...only one survivor is left to tell the tale. |
Trapped within your own mind, only a the husk of your self remains...with but a word you fell quickly to the mystery of The Sleep. |
The scintillating Orb flies silently through the empty stone corridors and twisting tunnels of the vast and forgotten crypt; those whom it encounters have little time to consider it's ancient origins. |
No secret can be withheld for those trapped beneath the sinsister contraption called the Mind Probe. |
Inspired by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. Highest Rank #1 Industrial Metal. |
For those who drink of the Chalice and the temptations it holds, there is no turning back. |
A sci-fi tongue in Cheek Dance Floor Killa' |
He comes cloaked in the storm and wielding the power to overwhelm and destroy. |
Open the engraven door, hewn from darkest oak and meticulously crafted. Beyond the threshold there is nothing but greenish gases, slowly spinning asteroids, and the darkness of space. From a distance, something has noticed your prescence...approaching on gigantic wings silhoutted against the background of the Negative Zone. |
PNFA remixed ORIGIN and it's one of the best remixes I've ever heard! A epic Tech Step masterpiece by one of the greatest artists on mp3.com! |
Credits: Listen to PNFA @ www.mp3.com/PNFA |
Remix of 'Brain'; courtesy of the the master of tech step, VALVEGOD.
www.mp3.com/VALVEGOD |