A breakup in which it seemed like one person would fall apart, but the tables turned... |
Credits: Robert Murdock & Lee Scott Howard |
A song that describes a relationship in which one person does tings that gives the other no reason to believe in them. |
Credits: Robert Murdock |
A mid-tempo C&W song about a guy who would do whatever it takes to save a failing relationship, but things look too far gone to be salvaged. |
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
A heartstring-tugging storyline about child abuse, told in third person. |
CD: Horizontal Hold
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock |
Power Ballad. Great song for a wedding/love scene. |
Credits: Robert Murdock |
Love song, great for scenes where lovers are involuntarily separated. |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock |
AC Ballad. An open, heartfelt letter from father to daughter. Possible useage: Wedding scene/father-daughter dance, father dying, flashback, etc. Could also use snipets (where lyrics are a little more ambiguous) for scenes where a couple parts ways. |
Credits: Robert Murdock |
Melodic Alternative, midtempo love song a la Gin Blossoms. |
CD: Horizontal Hold
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
A story about someone who is questioning the worth of a psychologically abusive relationship in which they are the victim. |
CD: Horizontal Hold
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock |
Quirky, Austin Powers-esque, bossa nova style instrumental. Great for incidental music in comedy scenes. |
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
Power Ballad. Love can be a pain... |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock |
A story about someone who is determined to survive a failed relationship, regardless of what the other person tries to do to. |
Credits: Lee Scott Howard |
Melodic Alternative. Controversial but universal story about someone who's faith has been shaken by the bad things that happen in the world, and puts out a dare to Him... |
CD: Horizontal Hold
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
A song about a girl who has it all...or does she? |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music records
Credits: Robert Murdock & Tim Hodges |
Ethereal Power Ballad. A plea for one more romantic interlude before parting company. |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
A feeling of helplessness in a failed relationship. |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock |
Midtempo rocker. Going back to the old neighborhood and reminicing, but things are very different. Who/what has changed- me or the neighborhood? |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
80s inspired rocker ala Rick Astley. Cooling off after a torrid relationship... |
Credits: Robert Murdock |
A Latin Dance tune ala Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony about someone who sees a beautiful apperition that seems to follow him around Samoiedo (an open air cafe in Vina Del Mar, Chile). |
Credits: Robert Murdock & Lee Scott Howard |
Moderate/uptempo rocker. The title says it all... |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock |
Midtempo Power Ballad. |
CD: Don't Quit Your Day Job
Label: Dockside Music Records
Credits: Robert Murdock & Tim Hodges |
Ethereal, ambient instrumental inspired by Pink Floyd. Great for Sci-fi, space themes. |
Retro 80s rocker. He's over you, baby... |
Credits: Robert Murdock |
A cross "country" pollenation of Bakersfield Honky Tonk & Texas Blues. Stop talking, and use your body language! Great novelty song. |
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |
A story about someone whose friend unselfishly supported and helped them make it. Now they're returning the favor...
Melodic, semi-ambient alternative rock. |
Credits: Lee Scott Howard & Robert Murdock |