I wrote Revisited during the fall of 1999. I was thinking about a friend that I had lost a couple years back and was missing him. Due to the loss, there are some dark points to this piece which end up more introspective later. |
CD: Dreaming Out Loud
Label: CD available at www.DreamingOutLoud.net
Credits: Jerry Preston |
This is one of the two duets from our CD Dreaming Out Loud. The acoustic guitar is accompanying the melody which is played on bass using an E-Bow. It is our dedication to the scientist and author Carl Sagan. The title comes from his book Dragons of Eden, which deals with the evolution of human intelligence. |
CD: Dreaming Out Loud
Label: CD available at www.DreamingOutLoud.net
Credits: Jerry Preston & Chuck Bianchi |
this is a piece written for solo 5 string bass in an altered tuning. From low to high it is B,F#,A,C#,G#. It is probably the closest thing to a love song that I have ever composed. Or is it a hate song? Sometimes it is not easy to tell the difference. |
CD: Dreaming Out Loud
Label: CD available at www.DreamingOutLoud.net
Credits: Chuck Bianchi - bass |