This song is dedicated to the fucked American system and their barbarian ways of settling things, fucked up laws, fucked up cops and we still have deathrow. This song is dedicated to Tim Posey killed by police brutality. Rest in Peace. Shout out to Shane Cole who got 25 years in jail with parole in 15 for not doin' shit!!! God bless America!!! |
MP3.com CD: Loved by Many Hated by Most - buy it!
Label: LIL'T Recordin Studioz
Credits: LIL'T and Beat By Kid Kutz, mp3.com/kidkutz |
This song is about all the hataz, some that were my friends when I was younger and that turned they're backs on me when I started getting respect and getting some dollars. Its also about those hataz that just hate on you when they don't know shit about you, and talk shit as soon as they hear you or see you doing your thing!! All I can say is if they hating is because they know deep in their heartz they ain't shit thats why they need to get up, get out and get sumthin'!!! |
MP3.com CD: Loved by Many Hated by Most - buy it!
Label: LIL'T Recordin' Studioz
Credits: LIL'T and Royal T 4 Low Profile Beats (www.lowprofilerecords.com) |
Wow, this is like my lifeline, this is about what i went through to get to this level in the rap game, the advantages and disavantages. It's real sad/hard song to listen to, at least for me it is, its my deepest song ever, maybe thats why I feel like it's my best one. |
MP3.com CD: Loved by Many Hated by Most - buy it!
Label: LIL'T Recording Studio
Credits: Deeper era productions for the beat, LIL'T for lyrics |