A combination of synth pads and guitar over an ethnic drum track. There are "NO" samples used in this song. The wailing melody is guitar nothing but. Just thought I would clear that one up. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
The sounds you hear in this song, with the exception of the voices is all guitar. Woven together into this hypnotic soundscape. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
This piece is entirely constructed with synths and voice treatments. A simple drum pattern heavily saturated with reverb provides the ominous pulse behind this tune. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Total synthetic heart. |
Credits: (C)2003 Trevor Brawn |
This is an eerie piece. Like a lonely soul living beneath the skin
of its host. Yet Another tune that is mistaken for a synth tune. There are absolutely no synths or samples in this song.
Guitars, fretless bass and voices make up its entirety. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Synths, synths and more synths, distorted guitar painting a picture of barren frozen landscapes.
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
CD: Substation 7
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Remix of original Version. |
Credits: Music: Trevor Brawn |
A work in progress. Synth, Drum Loops, Scratch Vocal. |
Credits: Words & Music: : (C)2002 Trevor Brawn |
Lo-Fi drum loops, synths, and yes the lead is played by me once again a real guitar. I'm not sure how the guitar can be mistaken for a synth in this tune. Maybe its the saturation of the distortion. Oh well... |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Classical guitar and voice. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Classical and electric guitar. The bowed string sound is not a synth but guitar volume swells with delay. There is a small amount of synth chords beneath but thats it. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Synths and voice samples. |
CD: Substation 7
Credits: Trevor Brawn |
Rough Demo. Very Lo-Fi. Guitar, Fretless and Drum loops. |
MP3.com CD: SUBSTATION 7 - buy it!
Credits: Trevor Brawn |