Artist: Billy Anderson |
CD: Songs Sans Words
Label: C.P.R.I. Records
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
Artist: Karen Pendley |
CD: Songs Sans Words
Label: C.P.R.I. Records
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
Artist: Mike Carlisle |
CD: Songs Sans Words IV
Label: C.P.R.I. Records
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
Artist: Karen Pendley |
CD: Song Sans Words IV
Label: C.P.R.I.
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore II |
Artist Mike Carlisle |
CD: Songs Sans Words IV
Label: C.P.R.I.
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore II |
Artist: Whirlbat Willie |
CD: Songs Sans Words
Label: C.P.R.I. Records
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
Vocals: Lloyd Barnett |
Credits: Songwriters: L. Ratliff / M. Elsensohn |
Credits: Writer: Fred Rose |
..............Produced by: Lonnie Ratliff..............
Recorded at Okie Acres Studio
Nashville, TN
Credits: Writers: Foree/Cohan |
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore II |
Vocals: Lloyd Barnett |
Credits: Writers: L. Ratliff / M. Elsensohn |
Credits: Writers: Armstrong / Stockert |
Credits: Writers: Ratliff / Leisten / |
Credits: Writer: D. DeVore II |
Vocals: Tom Mitchell |
Credits: Writers: Lonnie Ratliff / Tom Mitchell |
Vocals: Ron Davies |
Credits: Writers: Lonnie Ratliff / Ron Davies |
CD: Oh Susanna
Label: Westwood Int'l Records
Credits: Writer: G. Sutton |
Credits: Writer: J. Beland |
Credits: Writer: M. Haggard |
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
Recorded at Okie Acres Studio _ Nashville
Produced by: Lonnie Ratliff |
CD: Beyond The Vanishing Point
Credits: Writer: Dick Damron |
Credits: Writers: B. McCoy/L. Coleman/M. Dunn |
Credits: Writer: Damron |
Credits: Writer: Johnson |
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
CD: Honky Tonk Heaven
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writers: B. Nelson / L. Satterfield |
Credits: Writer: Gosdin/Reed |
CD: Country Time
Credits: Writer: L. Walden |
CD: Released on Nashville Showcase Compilation
Label: Published by Okie Acres Music (BMI)
Credits: Writers: Lonnie Ratliff (BMI) Tara Lyn Mohr (SOCAN) |
Artist: Whirlbat Willie |
Label: Cricket Power Records
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
Produced by: Lonnie Ratliff
P.O. Box 41818
Nashville, TN
37204 |
Credits: Writer: Dick Damron |
Credits: Writer: Dick Damron |
Credits: Writers: Davies/Kimbro |
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: PD |
CD: The Anthology
Label: BMG Music Canada
Credits: Writer: Damron |
Instrumental written by Dixon DeVore |
CD: Song Sans Words Volume III
Label: Cricket Power Records _ E Mail devoreii@yahoo.com
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore |
CD: Honky Tonk Heaven
Label: Westwood Int'l Records
Credits: Producer: Lonnie Ratliff |
Words & Music by Dixon DeVore II (BMI)
P.O. Box 1010
Greenville, NH
E Mail devoreii@yahoo.com |
Credits: Writer: Dixon DeVore II |
CD: Small Town Girl
Credits: Writer: Lynn |
Credits: Writer: M. Haggard |
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Alneta Knowles |
Credits: Writer: B. Jackson |
Vocals: Dottie Rambo & Dolly Parton |
Credits: Writers: Ratliff / Carter |
Instrumental by Vaughn Lofstead |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer: Stan Jones |
Vocals by Billy Bob Shane |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Jim Carter |
Vocals by Buddy Davis |
CD: Back To The Honky Tonks
Credits: Writer: R. Dobson |
Vocals by: Sherri Stapleton |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer: Williams |
Credits: Writers: Armstrong & Stockert |
Vocals by Allana Myrol |
CD: Back To The Honky Tonks
Credits: Writer: A. Myrol |
Vocals by Billy Bob Shane |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Jim Carter |
Vocals by: Billy Bob Shane |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Simon |
Vocals by Christy Cornelius |
Credits: Writer: Carter |
Vocals by Timothy P. & The Rural Route 3 |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer T.P. Irving |
Vocals by Billy Bob Shane |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Jim Carter |
Vocas by: Allana Myrol |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer: Myrol |
Vocals by Mony Smith |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Public Domain |
Vocals by Dick Damron |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Damron |
Vocals by: Ron Davies |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer: Davies |
Vocals by: Jim Carter |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer: Carter |
Vocals by: Pat Roden |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writers: Wright/Baker/Ryle |
Vocals by "Pork" & The Havana Ducks |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writer: Ken Forsythe |
Vocals by Brent McAthey |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l. Records
Credits: Writers: Lonnie Ratliff / Lindy Gravelle |
Vocals by The Dixie Dicks |
CD: Nashville Showcase Volume One
Label: Westwood Int'l.
Credits: Writer: Lonnie Ratliff / Ron Kimbro / Buddy Davis |