Some folks say our astronauts had company on the moon. Some former military personnel say they have seen pictures of buildings on the back side of the moon.I remember Neil Armstrong saying "One small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind" when he took the first step on the moon. This song explores how I would feel if he wasn't telling the whole story. |
There is an energy source called Zero Point Energy that does not use any fossil fuels, nuclear power, or any conventional source of energy. The secret military/corporate part of our government which President Eisenhower warned us about has had this technology working since the 1960's. On March 26, 2002, the US Patent Office issued the first ever patent for this type of "free energy" generator. (www.USPTO.gov, patent # 6362718) This is real science! They only issue patents to inventions that work! It produces 5 times the energy put into it. Green Machine is about the tremendous environmental and social benefits this technology can bring to the world. For more info go to:
http://www.enn.com/direct/display-release.asp?id=6515 |
This is about the secrecy in our government, which in my opinion has gotten out of control. We the people have a need to know more. The UFO/ET issue is just one example, but a major one for sure for the past 50 years. The sheer numbers of Intelligence employees and special access projects have kept our elected representatives from being able to assure that the Constitution is being upheld. Checks and balances are doing no good. |
There are over 400 former airline pilots, military pilots, radar operators, officers in all branches of the US military, corporate scientists, aerospace engineers, FAA personnel, US Intelligence officers, nuclear missle launch commanders, and numerous other people who now want to testify under oath in Congress about secrets that are being held from the American public regarding UFOs and ETs. Many of these people have suffered because of what they know. This song expresses the fear and ridicule they have experienced, and the hope for disclosure of the secrets. Learn more about them and see some of their testimony at www.DisclosureProject.org |
People often laugh at the UFO topic, and at these UFO Oil songs too. I think we have been conditioned to laugh, and also most of us have some deep fear about the unknown. I play House of Mica on a Native American Flute because I think this instrument helps us deal with these emotions. |
A primary way that the UFO/ET topic has been denied is to make fun of people who claim to have seen a UFO. In this song I turn the tables and make fun of officials who give unrealistic explanations about what thousands of credible people throughout the world have seen. In several separate cases UFOs have been seen by ground radar, ground visual, airplane radar, and visually by pilots. To laugh that off gives me the official explanation blues. |