"What scares me is that awful gas that deforms you." |
MP3.com CD: Rocket Science - buy it!
Credits: Todd Mauldin |
I hate telemarketers. Don't you? |
Credits: Music and Performance: Todd Mauldin |
A Dungeons & Dragons parody of a hit song cover version of a newspaper column about a college graduation address that never took place, which was attributed to Kurt Vonnegut but turned out to be a hoax. Confused? Just listen, you'll enjoy it. |
MP3.com CD: Ruins - buy it!
CD: Ruins
Credits: Written by Damian Arvizu - Wiz Luhrmann (public domain) |
***Featured Selection***...From the CD "Space"... the tragic launch and explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986. |
MP3.com CD: Space - buy it!
CD: Space
Nineteen-hundred and seventy four... the year they're planning for SEX ON THE STREETS of EVERY MAJOR CITY FROM COAST TO COAST!!! |
MP3.com CD: Rocket Science - buy it!
Credits: Todd Mauldin |
***Featured Selection*** "I am the Void Construct. What I tell you is the truth. There is nothing here." Void Construct V1.0 is part one of a four-part robotic monologue, and is available on CD. |
MP3.com CD: Void Construct - buy it!
CD: Void Construct
Based on a true story... the tale of an interesting experience with the 2001 Boston Marathon. This is also a rejected NPR Morning Edition commentary. I can't imagine why they didn't take it. |
Credits: written, assembled and performed by Todd Mauldin |
Boots (Infantry Colums) by Rudyard Kipling. A great poem, set to a interesting techno beat. Give it a try. |
Credits: Poem: Rudyard Kipling (public domain) Music and Performance: Todd Mauldin |
**Featured Selection***"I scratch away dried blood from my watch and check the time. They all warned me against going off on my own, but I didn’t listen. I’d been in the outdoors all my life, and I had no fear of camping on my own..." A lone hiker, a drought in the mountains, and a mountain lion. |
MP3.com CD: Sonograms - buy it!
CD: Sonograms
...being an observation on common elements between humans in general, and baseball fans in specific. |
MP3.com CD: Ruins - buy it!
CD: Ruins
**Featured Selection** Landing on the moon was never routine. It was a dangerous, terrifying stunt performed in an experimental spacecraft with no second chances. |
MP3.com CD: Space - buy it!
CD: Space
A sweeping, small meditation. |
MP3.com CD: Shoong - buy it!
CD: Shoong
Slow, unearthly soundscape. |
MP3.com CD: Shoong - buy it!
CD: Shoong
Credits: Todd Mauldin |
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test. |
MP3.com CD: Rocket Science - buy it!
Credits: Todd Mauldin |
Drunk on the Highway is a collection of senryu or haiku poems set to music. It centers around driving, mainly, but ranges all over the place. |
MP3.com CD: Ruins - buy it!
Credits: Written and performed by Todd Mauldin |
"Twas a balmy summer evening, and a goodly crowd was there, which well nigh filled Joe's Barroom, on the corner of the square." The first cowboy poem I ever heard, and still my favorite. |
MP3.com CD: Ruins - buy it!
CD: Ruins
Credits: Written by Hugh Antoine D'Arcy (public domain) |
Driving 8 hours to Las Vegas will make you say some pretty strange things. |
MP3.com CD: Ruins - buy it!
CD: Ruins
Credits: Written by Todd Mauldin and Edy Eddins |
From the CD "Space"... here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. Only 12 human beings have touched the face of another planet. This is what it was like, told in their own words. |
MP3.com CD: Space - buy it!
CD: Space
"There are strange things done in the midnight sun, by the men who moil for gold..." A spoken version of the famous poem by Robert Service, set to a haunting soundtrack. There are several other fine versions of this poem on mp3.com... including an excellent one by Mark Bolton. I'd encourage Service fans to listen to Mr. Bolton's version as well. |
MP3.com CD: Ruins - buy it!
Credits: Poem by Robert W. Service (public domain) |
A changing, spiraling, pulsing meditation on the ebb and flow of daily life. |
MP3.com CD: Shoong - buy it!
CD: Shoong
Credits: Todd Mauldin |
A meditation on America, post-Sept. 11th. |
Credits: Written and performed by Todd Mauldin. |