I was deeply touch and moved by my new pair of pants and the deep and obvious social implications of them as they pertained to Clintons woes. Listen and cry with me. Catchy little pop number. I can't wait til we pack stadiums to play this live. rock. |
Credits: Written and performed (?) by Josh, I think jake was passed out in another state at the time. (C) 1998 Josh Steiner |
Started out as a little love song, but I decided to nix the words and keep it more a mood piece. I couldn't really come up with a genre for this. If anything it is Dark Lounge, or Suicide Lounge. The voice over was from a candid conversation with a good friend who wants to be anonymous. I added it as an after thought and was very impressed with how well it matched with the music, she pauses and builds at all the right moments. I love it when that happens. |
Credits: Music written and played by Josh Steiner (Jake sure looks lazy on this page doesn't he?) (C) 1998 Josh Steiner |
A rich sound scape noise piece. It was late and we had been working hard on other Secret Projects and got ill of them. As a little stress releiver we took a bad idea that we had had, and turned it into this gem. It was really cathartic, and we love the result. |
Credits: (C) 1999 Jake Zweig and Josh Steiner |