Shortly after I had gained mastery over that which is time and space, I challenged the one known as Palle, the one who has mastery of Physical teleportation, to attampt reconfiguration inside my Bowels. To proove his might. As he accepted I grinned knowing my powers were great and that no man can escape my bowels once entered. Behold the soundtrack to Palle's Eternal reward |
CD: Wyzoreon
Label: n/a
Credits: n/a |
Not really much to tell. Switcho Chango was up late one night and decided to use a program call MODPLUG to make some tunage. This is the Grim Result. Plenty more to come! |
CD: sfdsdf
Label: sdfsd
Credits: sdf |
Stradle the Sky!
Pilot, and become one with the Horizon. Then listen to this song.
I'm pretty sure it's my best one.
Dink Danko says it sucks, well he is a jerk anyway. Always Do oppisite of what Dink Danko says |