A song wrote about one of SpankDaddy's favourite passtimes - waterbombing... Shea Dazz should get a kick out of this one... |
CD: Jesus Loves You
Credits: music & lyrics - stacey |
A huge sounding riff monster written by Mr Stacey... The opening track on Jesus Loves You, only a clip here, you'll have to buy the album to hear the rest... |
CD: Jesus Loves You
Credits: music & lyrics - stacey |
An early SpankDaddy song written by The Beast... I can't be bothered to write lyrics, so the first verse and chorus was written last year when we were so full of hope and the second verse was written after meeting the kid with the Uni-Brow in The White Lion... Only 4 people in the world will get the line about Kickass Cars... |
CD: Jesus Loves You
Credits: music & lyrics - carey |