The last song finished for the Sunny Ash album. This track is significant for Steven's Beatlesque double-tracked vocals and the band's improved handling of dynamics. Most of the song was already written in January 2002, before Sculpted Static's first ever concert, but it was shelved for more than a year before the band felt they were ready to record it. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Recorded early July 2003, "Distance" was originally released on the Distance EP distributed after the No Future concert. The album version has a different drum track and various mixing tweaks. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Sculpted Static made two versions of "Not Enough." The first one, released on February 22, 2003, was included on the Sculpted Static EP (the official demo CD issued by the band during the spring of 2003). However, the band was dissatisfied with the quality of the recording, and produced a vastly improved second version, with a vaguely 'reggae' feel. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
The first recording of "Apart" was released on mp3.com in November 2002. A remixed edition appears on the Sculpted Static EP (the official demo CD issued by the band during the spring of 2003) and all subsequent CDs. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
A collaboration between Sculpted Static and Elisa Morimoto (who sings the lead vocal track here), "Follow The" was the last track to be recorded for Sunny Ash, and it will also be included in the upcoming Alan Lawrence film, "The Graceful Accident." Alan himself contributed a jazz keyboard solo. Also noteworthy is that Mark plays the bass on this track. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Elisa Morimoto and Sculpted Static |
Like "Lucy," this piano-driven song was written about a year before it was realized in the studio. The lyrics are about Steven's unhappy stay at his Haste Street apartment in Berkeley. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Heavily influenced by Pink Floyd. Here are all of your favorite elements of a prog rock track: unusual chord progressions, lengthy instrumentals, sound collages, and Neanderthals singing: "humans aren't fun..." This mp3.com version is different from the one on "Sunny Ash." |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
The most overtly political song on Sunny Ash. Steven reads from the Patriot Act during the second and third verses. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
One of the noisiest Sculpted Static tracks ever recorded. That's a harmonica during the instrumental breaks. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Mark introduced this song to the band during the recording session for the original "Not Enough." It's mellow. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
The last track on the Sunny Ash album, clearly influenced by Radiohead. The version on the Distance EP has different lyrics and is missing some harmony parts. |
CD: Sunny Ash
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Fast, melodic, simple. This is an improvement of an earlier Sculpted Static song called "Sticks And Stones." Now it really sounds like The Strokes. Indie rock! |
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
The best new song not to appear on the new album, Sunny Ash. Listen for the variable-speed orchestral wash during the last two choruses and Ian's drum solo. |
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Dreamy, perhaps about Berkeley. Spins guitars like wind chimes. We needed a Beatles song for our generation, and so we wrote it. |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
A farmer looks up in the sky one night and sees a spaceship landing on his cornfield. An alien emerges from the craft to save mankind and to deliver the meaning of life. Steven is on lead vocals and keyboard, and Arta and Mark are on guitars. Mark also plays an interesting slide guitar part. |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Sculpted Static's response to world affairs, pop culture, and spiritual enlightenment, all lumped into one convenient song. Featuring Arta and Mark on guitar and Steven on vocals and assorted electronic instruments. Mark plays the guitar solo. The glory days of 90s rock! |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
Fast, heavy and energetic, "Maritime Blues" features Steven yelling over the dueling distorted guitars of Mark and Arta. A must-listen. |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
The fear of open or public places. Mark takes the spotlight here as he does the lead vocals and rhythm guitar tracks. Steven and Arta add their own instrumentals to the background. |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
This is a somewhat psychedelic, probably metaphorical piece written by Steven, and performed at the debut concert at Cambridge Court. Here is the studio version. As a child, Steven often rode back and forth across the harbor on those little green ships. |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
A fast-paced song about police corruption, "Narc" features Alex Ashot on vocals. Banseok Kwon supplied the saxophone track. As usual, Steven is on the keyboard and Arta and Mark are on guitars, with Arta producing some interesting siren noises on his guitar. |
CD: Sound Check
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |
This song is a collaboration between Sculpted Static and Kris Tung of Vancouver, BC. It's our first song with a female vocalist since "The Lorax." Mark plays a nice guitar solo. |
Credits: Written by Kris Tung and Sculpted Static |
Airy, atmospheric, light, fluffy. Sculpted Static's impersonation of Radiohead. Two songs stuck together, but it fits. Steven doubles the vocals, to make them stronger. Arta plays some fuzzed up and out guitar, with a bit of flange, and Mark moans. About friendship, not about lovers. We've had our love song. Enjoy. |
Credits: Written by Sculpted Static |