what started-out az a goa track for dj iznogood,
like usual took a turn to the worse.
donot look for a good clean kick,
just spin along for the ride. |
CD: krawlerz vs iznogood
Label: discphunctional rec.
God loves me.
THE BODY suddenly twitches -- this guy is not quite dead.
The Killer raises his silenced pistol.
(to his victim)
But I don't think he's too fond of you...
Label: discphunctional rec.
Credits: too many to mention |
The defendant, Dade Murphy, who calls
himself "Zero Cool", has repeatedly
committed criminal acts of a malicious
nature. This defendant possesses a
superior intelligence, which he uses to a
destructive and antisocial end. His
computer virus crashed one thousand five
hundred and seven computer systems,
including Wall Street trading systems,
single handedly causing a seven point drop
in the New York Stock Market.
Label: discphunctional rec