When streetlights block out the heavenly bodies, sometimes we have to improvise to get our daily astronomy fix. |
CD: None
Label: Nada
Two minutes of composed electronica, intertwined with heavier segments and ambience. |
Credits: (c) 2002 Michael Triggs |
Short and sweet.. A little more mellow than what I typically do.. When I programmed it, I was thinking about how great it would be to begin life all over again, correcting all those blunders you made along the way. |
CD: None
Label: Nada
Credits: Mike Triggs (c) 2002 |
The Skypilot begins to dream in a field of endless blue.
Listen to the hi-fi version of this. The low-fi version won't sound that good. |
CD: None
Label: Nada
Credits: (c) 2002 Mike Triggs |
Six minutes of sonic experimentation. One of those spur of the moment sessions that just produced really peculiar results. |
CD: Nada
Label: Nada
Credits: (c) 2003 Michael Triggs |
A three minute epilogue to a surrealistic storyline that hasn't seen the light of day yet. I think it's my best work to date. |
Credits: (c) 2002 Michael Triggs |
The brain is a marvelous device - the only thing it seems to lack is an off button. It will grind away forever on the most insignificant things. Like a locomotive without brakes. |
CD: None
Label: Nada
Credits: (c) 2002 - Mike Triggs |
This monstrosity started out as a sonic headache remedy -- listen to this with a good pair of stereo headphones for maximum effect. Noisy ambient with some more structured heavier segments. |
Credits: (c) Michael Triggs 2001 |
Not A Song. Background Soundscape For Brainwave Generator. |
CD: None
Label: NADA
Credits: (c) 2003 Michael Triggs |