The 500th INFINITE SINGULARITY download will receive a FREE copy of the debut album RUINS. e-mail me with a mailing address and the exact time of the download and expect to see it in a couple of weeks. and don't try to scam me or i'll break your legs :) tee-hee |
CD: silence (coming soon)
Label: stardust arts publishing co.
Credits: lukas szrot-performance and production |
sign up for the FFF, the only news letter that doesn't keep a schedule. e-mail me at INFINITESINGULARITY@HOTMAIL.COM to join the list. sign up now, and i won't send you a christmas card, but you will receive an INFINITESINGULARITY.NET bumper sticker as soon as the site is up and running.
p.s. this happy little ditty as about killing yourself. |
CD: silence
Label: stardust arts publishing co.`
Credits: lukas szrot-lyrics, music, production |
dream or reality?
to the fans: is this song potentially "radio-friendly"? i'm not into the radio much (except independent stations and classical music) and have no interest in sucking corporate you-know-what. let's put it this way--if i'm in it for the money, why am i so poor? maybe i'd join one of those crappy prefabricated pop groups if i was mentally stable...ugh...i need a shower after that one. |
CD: silence (coming soon)
Label: stardust arts publishing co.
Credits: lukas szrot-lyrics, music, production |
weird music for weird people. |
CD: Ruins
Label: Stardust Arts Publishing Company
Credits: Lukas Szrot-lyrics, music, production |
this piece is featured in the up-and-coming independent horror film RED VELVET JESUS, along with a number of other tracks from RUINS. it's an honor to watch people get killed to your music, i must say. |
CD: ruins
Label: stardust arts publishing company
Credits: lukas szrot-music and production |
they have to play this one at my cremation. |
CD: Ruins
Label: Stardust Arts Publishing Company
Credits: Lukas Szrot-lyrics, music, production |