This song is about "Female Independence" As a modern woman moves forward with her new found freedom of expression and sexuality... No more heartache or drama is the key message here. She discovers what she wants in her relationships and learns from mistakes in her past. She forgives but doesn't forget which enables her to make a fresh start in her life. |
CD: Big Bang
Label: Temper
A dance song with a "safer sex" message and a bit of humor to make you smile. |
CD: Big Bang
Label: Temper
A song about "LOVE". Travel to your heart's desire and discover yourself. "Seek and You Shall Find", "Ask and You Shall Receive", a simple formula for everyone to follow. Call me takes you through this process lyrically a direct line to all of the answers within yourself. Listen and sing along after all, Love is calling for you...1-800-FOR-LOVE |
CD: Big Bang
Label: Temper