This memorial song chronicles some of the tragic events of September 11, while paying tribute to the many victims. Please click on the song title for lyrics and more. |
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: : Frank Jordan - Vocals / Guitar, Mike Gibino - Alto Sax, Matt Arduini - Bass, Matt Jordan - Drums, Amy Jordan and Erin Topp - Backup Vocals. Mixed and mastered by W. Jacob Satterfield. |
This newer instrumental version marks 6 months since the attacks of last September. It was created as a sort of soundtrack for images of those unforgettable times.
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: are the same as the band version, but without vocals. |
Like the band version, this solo version, recorded very soon after the attacks, attempts to capture some of the way that tragic day felt. It's simplicity gives the song a lonelier, more reflective tone. |
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: : Frank Jordan - Vocals / Guitar. Mastered by J. Satterfield. |
This version combines the elements of the band and instrumental tracks for a fuller sound. Needless to say, when it comes to sound recordings, fuller is not neces-sarily better. For more on this please click on the song title. |
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: are the same as the band version. |
This version, as well as the other two karaoke versions, was added as an invitation to anyone who might want to to lend their voice to "September Morning". Please click on the song title for more on this. |
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: are the same as band version, but without vocals. |
Not only are vocalists invited to sing along with the song, but instrumentalists are invited to play along as well. The openness of this version makes it possible to add many different instruments. For musical info, please click on the song title. |
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: are the same as the solo version, but without vocals. |
Yet another karaoke version. More than just an after-thought, this version is actually easier to sing and play to because it contains the melody lines for the verses and the chorus. Please click on the song title for some parting remarks. |
MP3.com CD: September Morning - buy it!
CD: September Morning
Credits: are the same as the remix version, but without the vocals. |