At this time I'm reworking this track. Posted here is the second half of this pumping tune. Keep an eye out for the final release edit. Created in Daytona Beach 2002 |
CD: Personal Playground Hole
This is about where my current production level is prior to purchasing an Akai S5000 and various keyboards. I used Reason, Korg EA1, and various vocal samples for this work. The inspiration came from this girl that had red hair. We went out, then broke up. In the end all that was left was a red stained pillow. Created in Daytona Beach and Atlanta 2002 |
CD: Personal Playground Hole
Credits: The girl with red hair. |
Damn computer hard drive died out last week. Guess what? Drive died while trying to back up this track! I have pieces of this incomplete song now. Uggg, and I kinda liked this one. Mellow song that has a nice improv. section in Eb minor. About 16 bars after the main blow-up a hella kool FM synth huff's and puff's it's way in. Wish I had the complete ending still!
Created in Atlanta 2002 |
CD: Personal Playground Hole