Explicit Depressants is Morgwn Jones
created, performed, mastered,
and written by exdep at artfuldestruction studios
ExDep uses and abuses:
Zildjian, fender guitars, peavey amps, crate amps, digitech boards, digital
performer, peak, tascam shitty 4-tracks, ibanez guitars, pearl drums,
rebirth engines, metasynth, and all the samples i used from my friends.
Some of my influences are
and are not limited to: nin, metallica, tool, deftones, living end, pantera,
nirvana, weezer, gang of four, modest mouse, get up kids, slayer, camera
obscura, enemies, the criminals, alice in chains, DK, prodigy, second
coming, and also the best band on earth(according to kaitlin) but i think
they rockgarbage , etc...